Breaking: Top diplomat confirms there was quid pro quo

I believe she’s in the White House, just not sleeping in the President’s bedroom

Why let trump and his trumpkins try to push the narrative. Trump finds out about the testimony same way we do by the news. If left to his own device he would just launch a smear campaign cause that’s all he has left. Let people talk and if he broke the law then pay the consequences.

Have you read the statement? It’s only 15 pages long. It shouldn’t take no more than15 minutes to read it all.

They are so pissed that D’s played them here… So funny seeing them with their panties in a bind screaming and crying but knowing they cant do ■■■■ about it.

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Is Trump entitled to discovery at this point?

Pretty amazing that Fox’s headline story this morning was McCarthy saying “just trust me guys, I know I can’t tell you how Trump is exonerated, but he is.”

Because we’re supposed to take McCarthy’s word. Because he’s a totally reliable source.

Keep this mind.

Taylor’s biggest concern wasn’t that there was a quid pro quo with the aid.

His bigger concern was that there wasn’t.

That’s right.

He feared that Trump was shaking down Ukraine and planned to NEVER RELEASE THE AID after he got what he wanted. A twofer for Trump and Putin.

Read very closely.

After the call with Ambassador Sondland on September, I expressed my strong reservations in a text message to Ambassador Sondland, stating that my nightmare is they the Ukrainians give the interview and don’t get the security assistance. The Russians love it. (And I quit.).” I was serious.

The delivery of the quid pro quote is actually the lesser of the contemplated offenses.


14 pages. Corn pop says hi

Super secret soviet style communist fascist trials. Or something.

Open up the hearing. Then, if he is lying, he can’t get away with it.

It’s so damning that the inquiry may last until the 2020 election.


He’ll have his chance if the impeachment goes to trial.

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You’re right. This should never happen to another president again…after this one

Not to worry.

Trump will have is day of public defense. The investigation is being conducted by the Intelligence Committee, their findings will be forwarded to the Judiciary Committee where public hearings will be held and if warranted Articles of Impeachment drafted and forwarded the House who will have a public debate.


Lead story last night. They can’t quit her.:rofl:


President Me obstructed nothing! Hilary and the do nothing Dems did! Lynching!!

Show me a list of Trump’s purported Trumpincides?

Among other things.

Why would we waste our time?

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We are? All of us?