Breaking: Top diplomat confirms there was quid pro quo

Can’t quit Hillary. This isn’t about Hillary. I thought we were discussing Trump. Dang this always happens

it is almost sad if it was not so damn funny

…in a thread about Trump but no once her name is mentioned we can’t ever shift it back to him we must continue to only talk about Hillary

It’s both

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If it werent for the dark suits, you couldn’t see 'em against that marble backdrop.

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Actually, team Trump played themselves. When Barr received the Whistleblower complaint he decided immediately that there was no basis for an investigation. Maybe he thought Trump would block Congresdional demand to see it.

The smart play for Barr would have been to call for an investigation and then appoint a Trump supporter like Matt Whittaker as Special Counsel. They could have produced a whitewash and that’s all Congress would have gotten.

Unforced error, Mr. Barr


That is what a good extortionist does. Never follow through on their end of the blackmail, so they can then use the same tactic for gain again and again. I’m sure this worked well for Trump when he was a private citizen businessman. But as the President, IT. IS. WRONG!!!

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All he has are lies and people willing to accept and vigorously defend his lies.


This isn’t the part where they show everybody the evidence. That is called the trial. This is the investigation- they don’t want the next guy to know what the last guy testified to. Why is that so hard for you to understand?


MITCH MCCONNELL SUGGESTS TRUMP LIED, CLAIMS HE NEVER SPOKE TO PRESIDENT ABOUT UKRAINE CALL Mitch McConnell Suggests Trump Lied, Claims He Never Spoke to President About Ukraine Call

Hmm this is a tough one- which liar should I believe?

This crowd is criminal. You’ll never go wrong with believing the one who’s story describes the worse of the two alleged behaviors.

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They understand fine. It’s just all they got

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We dodged a bullet, is what you’re saying.

We would have never known. Holy crap.

The corruption never ends.

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Indeed. The clamor for it to all be public now is just a distraction. A way to gaslight the nation. There is a reason investigations are not done openly, in public view. Whether they are done by Grand Jury or LEO.


Thank you for your concern.

Democratic Party, Home Of The Whopper!

They swallow and regurgitate them like they have almost been brainwashed by years and years of propaganda. Imagine that. :thinking:

Ooo this is funny…this would totally
Be a reversal

Strike one, strike two, strike three… Some just have no game

What does Trump know to be coming next?