Breaking: The US extracted one of its top spies from Russia in 2017, worried about exposure and Trump’s handling of intelligence

Nothing burger!

Yes, an investigation primarily handled by the Trump DOJ was done primarily to change the election results. That is entirely accurate.

Oh, and all those indictments, plea deals, and convictions that resulted from said investigation were just figments of someone’s imagination.


…brought to you by CNN…and you can bet this is as probable as Russian collusion.

Use the time spent in jail and the money spent by those doing the prosecution to properly evaluate what you just stated. It was corrupt as hell.

Well, that’s Trump’s take on it anyway. And I’m sure he is completely objective.

You and I…are both observers and…we are privy to very little…so again…the prison time is the result of the audacity of the crime committed and the expense…dictates the degree of the professionalism used…to achieve that sentence. Stop…and try…to be neutral…then evaluate what I just said.

The funny thing is that you keep calling Obama a traitor and push this conspiracy theory, while calling the Mueller investigation a Russian Hoax.

Collusion. Collusion? Are you under the impression there was “no collusion”? It is so interesting to me how messages like this can be pounded into someone’s mind so that even people that know better, just repeat it.

So many words…so little substance…

Can’t wait till the trial start!

Like those who fell for the Russian collusion hoax?

Can you post a CNN article that is a lie?

Why are you ignoring the disgusting Russian collusion lie they pushed for two and half years, do you support there disgusting practice of pushing a lie for that long?

CNN is a sick and disgusting organization!


Post an article that is a lie or your claim is pointless.

See, that’s what’s so funny. I’m coming at it from a neutral standpoint.

I attacked the democratic agenda long before I started attacking the Republican party. It was only in the era of Trump that I finally took the step of totally separating myself from the Republican party. I thought there was hope that the Republican party might could be saved before that point. Now, even that hope is lost.

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If multiple administration officials are leaking this to the media then I would have to say yes, there is a problem.
And one former head of the FBI is very representative of this problem.

Of course, this assumes anything CNN wrote in the article is accurate, or that they talked to anyone who had more than a rumor.

Trump Defense Syndrome indeed.

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Fat donald is a Russian asset.

Look at that smile. He’s never been so happy in his entire life.

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Just what I said drama drama drama and the sound of the Minature Violin Orchestra :violin: :violin:

Clinton News Network has screwed up the facts before. Trying to bail out Obamanation and the loony tunes so many times. :crazy_face: