BREAKING: Several gunmen, hostage situation, unknown casualties

Where’s that “dislike” icon??


That’s the reason I’ve never watched it, too. I’ll check it out next time I see it on.

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Long Kiss Goodnight was really good.


Sounds like it.

Good to see we can put the laughter back in manslaughter

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We need a wall to make sure this never happens again.

What is a man without laughter?

We occassional put threads in Politics for special occasions. As I posted, sometime tomorrow I’ll be moving this to OTB.

The video clip I want to put here . . . I’d have to sanction myself – If you saw the movie Strips and the guy with the name Francis – you’d know :smiley:


This thread has been a fun diversion thanks for letting it stay.

Any word on that Rogue cop on the inside. Did he get the job done?


I think it says something about the state of culture today if one feels they’d have to sanction themselves for what I am assuming is the “Lighten up Francis” clip from Stripes…a movie that was released to the public.

PS I don’t think anyone here would mind that clip…:sunglasses:

Meanwhile in another breaking story, the town of Kingston Falls has suffered a riot. People are blaming mass hysteria for reports of little monsters that rampaged through the town and destroyed the local movie theater. We’re waiting to hear more from Rock’n Ricky the local radio host for an update on the situation.


Rocking Ricky had a bad night.

While Nakatomi plaza is a near total loss, nearly all the hostages were saved through the heroic efforts of inside off duty officer who successfully subdued nearly all the foreign attackers.


The quarterback is toast

Please note the off duty officer was from New York, not LAPD. It is well known that LAPD can’t shoot.


Keep Calm and Make Fists With Your Toes


Alan Rickman the consummate bad guy.
“Hans Gruber”
Aaaaanhh wrong answer Hans!

Um…in a twist, the off duty NYPD officer was nearly killed by one of the thieves that had been presumed dead, but he was saved when the heroic LAPD officer who had stayed in radio contact and encouraged the NYPD officer throughout the crisis shot and killed the thief before he could get his shot off.

This was the first shot the LAPD officer had fired since he mistakenly shot and killed a 13 year old boy, and voluntarily placed himself on desk duty because of it.

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Oh noes its fbi… when have they ever helped