BREAKING: Roberts joins court's liberals to overturn Trump decision to rescind DACA

This is a great win for America.

Two great SC decisions this week. Makes up for all the decisions I have disagreed with but thats the SC. We cannot just pick and choose when we think the SC is working.

Then he should ignore them. Let them administer their own opinions while he executes the law.

one very bad decision empowering the administrative state over the elected officials who are supposed to lead it.

The law itself is an affront to democracy. I wish it had been challenged. But it was not. Bad decision.


Why doesn’t trump issue an EO to end DACA?

the decision was based on existing law constitutionally passed and signed over 80 years ago…

LOL, learn history. Nothing new about the executive ignoring the court. I believe Jefferson was the first.

so much for following the law.period.

which has no bearing whatsoever on whether that law itself passes constitutional muster. The idea that a newly elected president is bound by the eo’s of his predecessor is ludicrous.

I don’t give Obama “credit” for that. I give Roberts “credit” for that.

find me anywhere in the constitution where it says the president must obey the edicts of the court? They are co-equal. The courts are not the superior branch.

half right…getting closer. maybe if the admin had followed the law properly…like the court explicitly ruled

sadly, I tried to give Roberts the benefit of the doubt on other rulings… no more. Another Bush mistake.

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never said otherwise

why would the administration be bound to follow a law that on its face is unconstitutional? Maybe you should read Marbury. The ruling in Marbury about unconstitutional provisions being treated as void does not just apply to courts. Niether here nor there however, as the administration did not challenge the law. They should have.

and yet we both know that was the clear implication of your post.

do go on though.

who decides what is constitutional? like you said

so maybe if the admin had followed the law like the court wants them to…


according to the founders… each branch for itself. Then the “controversy” is decided in court.

according to Marburry, the law must be ignored if it is unconstitutional. They did not reserve to themselves this judgement. Marbury literally say ANY government officer must do so.