Breaking news. Cleveland Indians to change their name

Braves next? No more tomahawk chop!

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The Cleveland Grovers


This legendary movie wouldnā€™t even have a chance of being made today:

Chiefs next?

I do not understand the outrage, what is being taken away from you exactly?

I donā€™t watch sports. The issue for me is bowing to political or what is deemed social correctness.

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Again a group of people do not want their heritage associated with mascots, why is this hard?


It amuses me.

I donā€™t understand either. Why not just be respectful and kind?

Football is not their ā€œheritageā€. Baseball either.

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Now that amuses me! :joy:

It isnā€™t hard. Iā€™d suggest they get over it. Then, it wonā€™t be hard anymore will it.

Turns out they wont be the ones having to ā€œget over itā€

There will be something new to replace it. Give an inch, take a mile.

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The story must continue.

Iā€™m triggered!



Braves next? And the Chiefs? Then the Seminoles? Since they donā€™t want their heritages used as mascotsā€¦


Oh and of course the Dallas and OSU cowboys.

NY and SF ā€œGiantsā€ is prejudicial to midgets. Los Angeles Angels and SD Padres (this one Californios in general, not to mention Yaquis) to religious people.

Pirates to ā€¦ pirates.


Theyā€™ve got a lot of nerve.