Breaking: Michael Cohen being sentenced today

I know. Completely insane that it could have cost him a few bucks, but instead will possibly cost him substantially more in the long run. Likely over the next 2 decades the Trump empire will be picked to shreds by the long arm of the law and amount to nothing. Could not have happened to more deserving scum either.


As I’ve said, I don’t care if people support Trump. I understand the appeal, at least theoretically. But the man is clearly fallible with a loose grasp how basic government works. The hatred for Trump can be overblown, and focused in the wrong places. But there is plenty of reasons to dislike him. Distrust and animosity with Trump is firmly grounded in specific things he’s done. While, blind loyalty for him is only based on the the fact that he pisses of liberals. That’s a very weak and immature reason to go all-in with a person like Trump. So yeah, keep defending a con man who claims to be a Republican. Others will keep fighting against him because of the fact that he is a con man.


Dems are so conned by leftism and CNN, you couldn’t name one thing you dislike about Trump policy…

Obama tried to make journalism a crime, ask Rosen, the AP and more… Dems have blind loyalty. I have issues I support, and can have fun poking lefty at the same time

We know hillary colluded with Russians, …say it!

We know leftism makes people poor, see France and California…

WE know Dems don’t care because they hate Trump… That’s as deep as leftists get… lol!

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Don’t underestimate them…they will ALWAYS have that.

Is it possible to rank Infrastructure Weeks?

This week is shaping up to be even better than last week, but it’s really hard to make the comparison.

It’s like trying to pick a favorite child.

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stopping research into AID/HIV cures.
removing safe water regulation
seismic blast approval
reducing public education funding

should I keep going?

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Trump won North Dakota.


Another smocking gun. How in the ■■■■ is fat donald not getting indicted over this? :rofl:


And India.


He did win! He did win North Dakota!

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Ooooooh, that’s a big one.


Epic Infrastructure Day, today.

Big time.

Anybody remember Cohen’s job title?

Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization.

Every trump supporter thought it was a nothingburger when this happened.


That guy knows where a lot of bodies are buried.

Just wait until the Weissleberg stuff starts coming out.

This toboggan ride is going to get a lot bumpier.

and they also still think this was a nothingburger.

Federal investigators are getting closer to the heart of the Trump Organization: The chief financial officer has been subpoenaed to testify

Reading this thread is quite interesting.

One can clearly see where reality is conflicting with a constructed fantasy that must be comforting somehow.

As more and more information comes to light, will there be self realization and reflection that there were members of the CEC who have been lying about just how bad this is for the President and the country in general?

Will those that believe the fantasy understand the damage that has been done by buying into the narrative that there is a Grand Conspiracy against the President by eroding the trust of the law enforcement system, the every day functions of the government and our foreign policy?

Will they finally get it that they just want to see it all burn down… the country be damned?

I hope so.

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Seriously, is there anyone who hasn’t turned rat on Trump?

Roger Stone, but he hasn’t been indicted yet.