Breaking: Manafort reaches 'tentative' plea deal with Mueller


Sshhhhh. No one will notice lol.

O-o well then

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And four houses.

This. Manafort has now paid for the special counsel.

Itā€™s all just soā€¦beautiful!

Also, you wiki is open.

From your link

The plea agreement says Manafort agrees to cooperate in any and all matters as to which the government deems the cooperation relevant. That includes testifying fully and completely before a grand jury in Washington D.C., or elsewhere.

But one person familiar with the case said the agreement does not include cooperation on matters involving the Trump campaign. The individual asked not to be identified.

One thing is written down, the other comes from ā€œone personā€. Iā€™d guess Giuliani

Just remember, folksā€¦

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Fox is covering it?!?

Oh yeah, things are going great for Trump arenā€™t they? Personal attorney and his campaign manager have flipped on him. Beautiful.

Heā€™s gonna do something craaaaazy.

Last time he pardon Arpaio was a Friday and a major Hurricane hit the mainland

After this morning thereā€™s nothing that would make me happier than trump pardoning manafort

Yepā€¦ that would be a Nixon level ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– 

Beat me to it. Except I was going to hedge and say that the ā€œperson familiar with the caseā€™sā€ name rhymes with Booly-Yanni.


Manafort would be absolutely insane to accept it



I would very much like Trump to give him a full presidential pardon ASAP.


That wonā€™t stop Manafort from cooperating, so I donā€™t see why fat donald would do it.