Breaking: House Ways and Means committee requesting the IRS copies of trump’s tax returns

And I don’t agree with that. An investigation would be legitimate…if there were probable cause.

We just went through one fake investigation. Is that all the new Dem House is good for…fake investigations?

Too. Funny.

Repeat after me:

Not. Illegal.

Democrats in the House need to beat Fat Donald with the big cudgel of oversight every chance they get.

Every ■■■■■■■ chance.

Make that Fat ■■■■■■ cry like a stuck pig.

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Better a crooked Republican than a straight Democrat.

I hope every subpoena based on nothing (which will be all of them) is fought to the full extent possible.
When did Holder finally provide all the subpoenaed items re fast and furious? Still waiting?
Let the House run on that record in 2020.

So, where’s that report that documents the “fake” investigation?

Things are starting to get interesting.

Party over country. Putin would be proud.

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Lololol how is this a party foul… It amazes me how republicans are acting hurt when they were ready to dig up obamas mother for a dna test…


Read carefully why Ways and Means said they were asking for the information. They aren’t investigating the President.

“No collusion”. It is quoted in the Barr letter as approveved by Feinstein.
And the report will be provided later when redacted to not provide “sources and means”…something Dems pretended to care about only a short time ago.

Mueller’s team disagrees. They say roast Fat Donald with the contents of the report, not Barr’s whitewash.

We’ll get the contents, one way or another. ■■■■ Fat Donald and his band of grifting enablers.

Deep State.

Yea, others who worked on the investigation disagree.

■■■■ Fat Donald. And he will get a royal ■■■■■■■■ that much is guaranteed.

Hope you enjoy the destruction.

“Some on Mueller’s team” <> Muellers team, nor is it up to them to decide national security issues.

Gee, I wonder how Strzok would have voted if he hadn’t been kicked out.

In any case, the question is not whether the report will be issued but whether it will be redacted. I don’t see anything about redactions in your article. What’s the point?

I’m of the mind there probably wasn’t any intentional collusion by Trump and his cronies.

I want to know what else is in there.

So do most Americans.

Maybe it is nothing, so be it.

But I highly doubt it. Donny is dirty…he’s ALWAYS been dirty.

Not for nothing i heard he wasnt even under an audit.

Derp state.

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Trump claimed he would before he was elected. Claimed back then he was under audit.

How is it a witch hunt?

That is irrelevant. Use that as a debate point in 2020, it is not a basis for an investigation or subpoena.