Breaking: Every single state was targeted by Russia, says SENATE intel committee

Quite welcome.

One of the key elements in keeping our elections honest is that each small area controls their area. Does this change that control in anyway? Sometimes…when someone says they’re an expert and want to help, my spider senses tingle…just as they’re doing right now. There may be a problem but I don’t know that I trust those providing their answer, anymore than I do the Russians who created the problem and that’s very sad.

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That’s a severe case of whataboutism with a side order of deflection. The question was…what is the president going to do about it?



McConnell blocked it because it came from a Democratic House.

If he had detailed exactly HOW it was a “partisan” bill that was trying to “build in advantages” for Democrats, then maybe we could explore that question.

But he didn’t…therefore I’m going with the simpler explanation…because it is completely consistent with what McConnell has already said he’s going to do…block measures passed by the House from being considered in the Senate.

If one would read the report, one would see that the recommendations are to keep diffuse local control of elections but provide adequate funding so standardized security measures can be met.

People really should read these things before commenting on them.



It doesn’t matter what the House bill is.

It seems that we need Jon Stewart to speak in outrage about everything to get McConnell to do anything.

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I may be mistaken but it seems you are substituting your own opinion for that of people who have explored the problem…and as @Jezcoe pointed out, you obviously didn’t know what those experts’ suggestions were.

Do you think that’s a wise approach?

My personal opinion is that when historians of the future our studying our time, they will universally agree that Mitch McConnell was the person who inflicted the most damage of anyone on our country and its political institutions.



Huh. I wonder if this has anything at all to do with #Moscow Mitch ignorng his own party’s findings?

You know what this tells us?

The oligarchs know that we live in unreality bubbles so they can show off how they buy politicians right out in the open…and we don’t even bat an eye.


Well, now Vlad has Trump and Mitch in his back pocket.

Wonder if Pelosi will try to get in on this now?

Your scenario also fits with Trumps claims of rigged elections. He is attempting to undermine the faith in our elections as well

Also, remember in 2016 when Paul Manafort began sharing the Trump campaign’s internal polling data with an associate linked to Russian intelligence?

That was for the same Deripaska in the Kentucky aluminum deal.

I’m sure ol’ Esther and Bill down at the county elections office maintain the highest standards of physical and network security and no malicious actor could ever get past their impenetrable systems.

To be fair targeting doesn’t always equate to success.

What? Can you source (I don’t have scribd)?

After Flynn was fired he retroactively registered as a foreign agent working for Turkey because he “forgot” to include work that he had done for them less than two months before on his disclosure forms when he became the National Security Advisor.

He was also secretly working for an organization called IP3 to transfer nuclear technology to the Saudis.

When all this is done… Flynn will get off light.

It does matter what was in the house bill and not much of it had anything to do with securing our elections from foreign threats.
For the people act 2019
It was more or less a wish list of what leftist want.
Lets see it would have required all presidential and vice presidential candidates to release 10 years of tax returns. How is this going to stop Russia.
It would have made election day a federal holiday. How is this going to stop Russia.
Puts limits on removing voters from the election roles. How is this going to stop Russia.
Makes states establish nonpartisan (really) commissions to draw congressional districts. How is this going to stop Russia.
Establish a new government agency to oversee all elections and how they are carried out in each state. How is this going to stop Russia.
Makes all organizations no matter how they are formed disclose who their donors are if they do anything during an election cycle. How is this going to stop Russia.
Establishes new conflicts of interest and ethic rules for any employee of the white house. How is this going to stop Russia.
Protecting American votes act
Lets see all votes must be on paper ballots.
And all paper ballots and the design must be approved by the federal government.
But they are still counted by machine.
I forgot all ballots must be marked by federal approved marking device.
And some how every ballot is going to be tied to each voter.
All states must use federally approved ballot counting machines.
No machine can be hooked up to the internet.
All states must recount ballots.
And we are going to create a new government agency to counter the affects of foreign countries messing with out elections.
Now tell how any of this is going to stop Russia.

So you really don’t care.

Yea, I really don’t care to put into law every far leftist wish that the dems have.
I don’t care to turn more states rights over to the federal government.
And I also don’t care to give up any of my rights to the federal government.
The sad fact is there is probably nothing we can do to stop other countries from messing with our elections.
We prevent one thing and they will come up with something else.
Been going on for decades in one form or another.
We do the same thing to other countries too.