Break out the bribes, it’s election time again!

If this is true, then why not extend the pause for, say, five years? Helps the paused grads a great deal, without any noticable consequence.

However much it is, it’s basically everyone chipping in to pay off the debt of the wealthiest people in the country. Makes no sense to me.


I would be open to some sort of an extension, at the very least a lot more than outright forgiveness so long as payments are eventually collected.


Yup. Imagine if we cancelled everyone’s mortgage and made people who have never owned property contribute to pay for it :confused:


You are also asking people who themselves could never afford a college education to pay for the degree of another. There was no forcing these people to get a loan. If they are arguing it is a predatory program, fine. Fix the program, but don’t force the taxpayer to pick up the tab. Wasn’t it mentioned somewhere the largest group within the student loan arena were doctors and lawyers?



It’s already inflated all to hell. Might as well pop that balloon now and get it over with.


(it's just another one of his infinite campaign lies for people stupid enough to believe him)
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This loan cancellation would greatly benefit doctors and lawyers the most (you know, people with means), putting those completely voluntary loans on the backs of the tax-paying peasants where they belong.

Why won’t anyone think of the upper class??


That ends out discussion.

Right now, somewhere in America, some ■■■■■ hat wearing lib is taking out an extra student loan in gleeful anticipation of it being forgiven.

Keep going, leftists.


Not just that.

Students don’t have to go to the high-priced schools. Two years of community college or junior college, and then finish up two years at your in-state college. Or work for a few years before going into college to save up a chunk of your tuition. (And that working experience might help you find what you want to do in life and have a better focus in college… Or it might help you know what you never want to do again, and give you motivation to excel in college once you enroll!) Or a stint in the military gets you all sorts of college benefits once you finish your stint.

Further, GOOD students are coming out of high school with a pocketful of college credits to start with. Some even have their freshman year done already upon graduating from high school.

And finally, students should be directed AWAY from some of the garbage majors that end up being useless in the working world. Only those who truly have a love for the subject matter should be getting degrees in those majors. Too many students are graduating with degrees that employers are not looking for, and those students therefore have the same qualifications as their high school classmate who didn’t go to college (but those college graduates have the privilege of carrying the student loans they too to finance their worthless college degree. Yes, then it’s tough to pay them off while waiting tables at IHOP.)

The career calculus is not that hard to grasp.


A great example of the stupidity of liberalism.

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My house payment is also crippling, especially now due to Bidenflation. When can I expect the government to pay it off for me?


Do you think the institutions that made the loans don’t want their money back?

Their wants


Extending a Trump administration policy that has had a net positive effect on the average american for 2 1/2 years.

You think “their wants” are ridiculous?

Bet you wouldn’t think that if you loaned a ■■■■ ton of your personal money to someone and they blew you off on repayment.


Elon Musk tried to buy the Biden family this week but China refused to sell.



Your adjective.

Their wants can be weighed against the net positive. They’re just lenders, no more sacred than any other business.

I think the pause is a good policy. Trump was right. We should keep extending it.

First, I don’t think Joe can just tell lending institutions to eat a trillion dollars…

Second, why stop with college loans? I’d gladly take 50 K towards my house loan. I still wouldn’t vote for Joe, but I’d sure be willing to start a nice thread about him for a change.

Yes. I think he can.

If these loans can just be stopped for 2 and a half years, with no noticable consequence to the american public, what’s another 2, or 4, or more?

We’re already trial-running the idea of student debt relief and it’s working just fine.