Okay, time for an investigation. Is the Brandon administration currently in the process of attempting to blackmail Saudi Arabia for election help?
I want transcripts, emails, phone records, everything!
Okay, time for an investigation. Is the Brandon administration currently in the process of attempting to blackmail Saudi Arabia for election help?
I want transcripts, emails, phone records, everything!
We want to know if Biden bribed or threaten the Saud’s using our tax dollars.
Right libs?
Where’s Bob?
We’ve been bribing the Saudis for years.
To our great national shame
How many times have we threaten em to interfere with our elections?
Who knows? We’ve been polishing their shoes for years.
so its okay then… everybody does it!
haven’t heard that one since clinton
in a mutually beneficial arrangement for our countries… not election help
Sounds like Brandon isn’t really concerned with the cut, just the timing.
Not at all. You wanna have hearings or whatever (snicker), go for it!
No investigation needed. This is his “more flexible after the election” moment. Maybe he can cozy up to Russia then too. They’ve got oil.
That’s crap.
We get no benefit from SA’s disdain for human rights or women. We get no benefit for backstopping their war crimes in Yemen.
Loosens up those oil pipe valves, though.
Saudis? Yes, I’m sure this is credible. You do remember 9/11, right? For the life of me, I don’t know why we don’t treat them as our sworn enemy.
At the very least, tell them to get bent vis a vis Yemen
I’m sorry, we are believing the Saudis now?
Nobody respects the President of the United States, not even the most genetically inbred people on the face of the planet.
Good job, (D)ummies.
Laughing in traditional Bedouin Arabic
more proof that trump impeachments were utter â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– but it was obvious