Brandon's perfect phone call

If you can get transcripts of the call, go for it!


Biden trying to keep oil prices low what a monster.

why are people more upset about this phone call and not that OPEC is randomly increasing oil prices during a American election.

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Can’t have him doing that, can we?

If J’Biden or the inept oafs that tell him what to do and say knew anything about global oil markets the dumb ■■■■ wouldn’t have dismantled the US energy policies that were working just fine. Fuels were affordable, exports kept everyone honest and the Keystone project would have been a remarkable partnership with Canada.


Keystone pipeline exist and has for decades we are talking about an expansion which wouldn’t really do anything to increase production. Keystone got shut down because the company was to stupid not to route it over the main source of water for an a entire state.

also global oil prices are not that complicated OPEC control 80% of all proven oil reserves on the planet.

It’s not random. Biden had the temerity to say mean things about them.

As he should Saudi are horrible people (government)

They really are.

I think the issue is supposedly he was fine with a production cut…after the election.

That’s not trying to keep the price of oil low.

That’s trying to keep it low until it no longer benefits him.

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That’s no reason to cut domestic oil production and refining.

you must be confused, its leftist who think saudi’s are evil.

The difference is Brandon even made it clear to them that he wasn’t concerned about cutting production that would raise prices as such, he was only concerned about the timing and how it would affect the election. He was trying to conspire with a foreign country to interfere with our election.
To Biden’s great shame.


wait are you under the impression they are not evil?

because they’re not

KSA is worse then Iran, the only difference is they sell us oil.

they are (or were) a us ally in the fight against their evil neighbors… the persians.

canada is the worst of all

They are equally as awful as Iran.

There isn’t a single thing Iran has done that KSA hasn’t also done.

you’re entitled to your wrong opinion