Brandon Doing Right on China

Apparently, we don’t stand for freedom. As brave citizens in China desperately protest that country’s heinous lockdowns and censorship, a spokesman for the Biden administration says that the White House is “going to watch this closely.”

This opinion is all wrong. Brandon is doing exactly the right thing with this, unlike Ukraine. He needs to stick with it.

Opening his cakehole will only make it worse.


Now that we’re back under a warmongering Democrat administration again…



Oh and Happy Birthday Brandon. Congratulations on being the oldest.


We need to be low key as we decouple from the CCP.

Biden knows where his social score sheet is kept.

Just say No to Covid origins and Hong Kong style protests.

Why two short months ago Brandon was talking WAY too much.

Maybe he ran out of gas.

I think the real one is what we have now. Election talk is over for a while.

I am going to have to replace my iPhone 5 pretty soon and it won’t be an Apple product. They do not hold themselves to the same standards they demand of others. I’m shocked. :roll_eyes:

Are there any phones made here in the US?

Sadly there are currently no cell phones being produced in the USA. For a short time the first model of the Moto X was American made. The company making the Moto X was sold and the production was moved overseas immediately with about 400 jobs.

There are news reports of course in 2017 that Foxconn will be building a factory in the USA to create either Apple phones or at least components. If you are aware of any cell phone company we may have missed please let us know.

If I didn’t have a cellphone, it really wouldn’t bother me but I’ll continue with this one until it’s no longer supported and then…it will be personal groundhog day. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Or the posturing about Taiwan was really about billions for military contractors and about influencing the politics in Taiwan to favor Beijing.

Biden got to look tough while benefiting his patrons in Washington and Beijing. A win-win-win.

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There is one

Thanks. I just forwarded this to my personal email account and will explore it further.

He is right to remain circumspect.

  • The US has a standing opinion that Russia’s war in Ukraine is wrong. It would be right for the President to speak out boldly on behalf of Russian protesters protesting the war in Ukraine.

  • The US has a standing opinion that Iran’s treatment of women is wrong. It would be right for the President to speak out boldly on behalf of Iranian protesters protesting the treatment of women.

But, as they say, “this is not that.”
Big difference!

The US has no such stance regarding China. Any presidential statement touching on the subject should be cautious.

Where are all the progs? I pay their leader a compliment and one heart?

I was thinking about starting a new thread with a poll on this- If China attacks Taiwan, do y’all support helping Taiwan to defend itself…like Ukraine?

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If he makes it to the podium, quick someone get him an ice cream cone.


They should bear the brunt of our full nuclear arsenal.

Whoa seriously? Nuke China if they attack Taiwan?

You say that with surprise, like that’s not what it would take.

Just surprised because it goes against the neo-isolationism of conservatives.

I’m not for it, but if we’re going down the road you’re suggesting, how would you do it?

-like Ukraine…

Yeah- like Ukraine. Im not so into thermonuclear war. Not a lot left to haggle over after all is said and done.

So give them weapons and wish them well. Ok. Now what?