I hate to break it to you, but from an iOS standpoint that particular model is no longer supported with updates and security patches. Check your settings - the phone is likely on iOS 10 (if it was kept updated up to that point). The current version of iOS is iOS 16.1.1.
Now it does support 4G/LTE from a cellular point of view, but from an operating system standpoint that leaves a lot of vulnerability to hackers and such. I’d recommend getting something with a more modern OS.
Well yes and no- but whats more interesting to me is that conservatives here have been howling about war mongering but are willing to go fully medieval on China if they touch Taiwan. I do get that they are different tho.
Imagine oil came from only two countries, Iraq and Kuwait, and Iraq attacks Kuwait.
Okay, now imagine top-line semiconductors come only from two places
China and Taiwan, and China attacks Taiwan.
Personally I think Ukraine and Taiwan each play the role that Sudetenland did in the 1930s, but if I had to choose one rock to die on and be absolutely certain of it?
Yes Taiwan is of absolute vital national security importance to the US.
I totally hear that. Although I woulnd’t count out the importance of Ukraine’s agriculture and how they feed a portion of the world. Honestly to me they are two sides of the same coin- sovereign countries that are important strategically and economically.
I think more will be required than weapons shipments. For example, when it happens, China will ‘quarantine’ the island, and the surrounding air and waters. That means that sending Javelins will result in a casus belli, and the balloon goes up.
While it may be tempting to picture “China taking over Taiwan” as an island invasion, and a country of a billion-plus people fighting a brief successful land war against a tiny neighbor, it is very very unlikely such a war would ever look like that.
If such a war ever did come to pass it would be a largely air and naval war featuring
China blockades Taiwan
China blockades the straits of Malacca (no oil or other raw materials getting into Japan and S Korea)
All shipping from Asia to the US interrupted (semiconductors, cars, electronics, textiles, housewares)
mass exodus of managers, engineers and investors fleeing Taiwan (Taiwan could never be rebuilt no matter how the war ends.)
Basically it would be an air and naval war with a lot of complications.
The end result would be China having a complete stranglehold on (each) semiconductors and solar and battery production.
The phone gets mad at me, stating it hasn’t been updated in 168 weeks…then goes into cantankerous mode. I shut it down, start it back up, tell SIRI what to do, she does it…and it’s all good.
All news from China needs to be viewed with suspicion. China censors the news, while western surveillance agencies spread disinformation. Here is an alternate perspective.
The recent election results in Taiwan were strongly in favor of the party that opposes independence for Taiwan. Taiwan voters do not want to provoke a war with mainland China.