Boston University creates more lethal COVID

Oh, dear…again.


Sugar cane?

Skip what, deny what? ,. “Expert” depends on who is telling the story

Sure, sure.

Nobody can know anything, chaos descends

Hey, some of us know where the bear went through the buckwheat.

I have no doubt that knowledge comes in handy when discussing virology.

Your profession? Not virology? You should probably take your own advice then, huh?

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They can’t be trusted to get the government reporting correct, yet you trust them to tell you the truth about what they were doing?


This is only because it’s been exposed to the general public. I don’t for one second believe the NIH was unaware of this.


We create a more deadly virus so we can learn how to better combat it…in case a more dealy virus is created.

Government “logic”

Thank goodness there’s no chance a lab worker won’t come in contact with their engineered “Frankenvirus” then go out and infect the Gen-Pop huh?
Or one of those “laboratory accident” we never hear about?


…and we don’t have a wet market and we don’t eat bat soup either…so no chance…amirite? :wink:


Dueling sarcasm! :+1::rofl:

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Careful. The armadillo is the new pangola.

Reading this thread has definitely made me realize how little I trust the media, the government, academics, etc.

I’ve become a conspiracy theorist. I think everyone of those groups lie and have an agenda, and our well being and success is not on their agenda.


I speak science. :sunglasses:

I also understand how these reporting snafus happen. From a safety perspective, they got the proper sign offs. From a total oversight perspective…not.

Worship lab coats.

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LOL no.

Hahaha yes.

No- I’m in a better position to critique them than you are.

Not hardly. Stockholm Syndrome.

Forgot about the 'Rona already?