Boehner: "There is no Republican party. There's a Trump party."

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has pursued policies that have hewed remarkably close to the recommendations of a leading conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation, which found in a new review that nearly two-thirds of its ideas had been carried out or embraced by the White House over the past year.

More than Reagan in his first year.

Lefties love Boehner now. They love MS13, Un, and Sessions. Trump knows they will love everything that he opposes, it’s fun to watch how he plays them.

The nerve of that guy, being faithful to his wife.

Not cool man, not cool!

Lots of men are faithful to their wives. That doesn’t mean that they’d make a good President.



That was all I had to say.

OK, so it was it just a random comment?

No. That was my reply to your post. You could name another good Obama quality that I could comment on. We have all heard lefties praise him for being faithful to his wife.

Well that is about the dumbest thing that I have read on these boards. And the simple answer is “no”.

I didn’t think it would meet lefties’ standards. :sunglasses:

Oh do tell. What are our “standards”?

HAHAHAHAHAHA…we will just swim harder.
Do it.

I mean for the people who try to swim away from Trump. You? You’ll joyfully go down in the vortex and wreckage, waving your hat like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove. :slight_smile:

The GOP leadership consolidated power at the top. Rank and file representatives had no voice, leadership attempted to rule with an iron fist and anyone who dared not tow the line was threatened and isolated. The arrogance of the GOP leadership is what led to their fall and how Trump won the nomination over the GOP hand selected candidates.

What’s their “fall” in substantive terms? McConnell and Ryan have driven the legislative agenda; Trump will and would basically sign anything they gave him to sign.

If you wanted to use “vortex and wreckage”, you should have cited the end of the Pequod. But the opportunity is lost and you are on record now with mixed and incoherent references.

Ahab didn’t wear no cowboy hat.

Nor did he wear a baseball cap that said MAGA.


David and Bathsheba…

Some guy says Obama is not faithful… I won’t post the video, but it’s about drugs sales and same sex acts while he was a senator. You guys always believe “some guy,or gal”… so you have to believe this too, lol!

I guess the big difference is the TP does not lie down and let the media lie about them, and establishment reps do. That and TP is against globalism… Dems seem to love the neocons now!

Of course it’s the Trump party. Just read the Trump voters here and you’ll see exactly what they’re like too.