Bob Woodward’s Stunning Look into the Presidency

I never said she was his lawyer. You inferred that.

What do you mean by “his lawyer”?

If you buy bonds and then interest rates rise, the value of your bonds will go down.

They were both FBI.

The storm is here and it will be flooding fat donald’s house very soon.


One or more of Fat Donald’s crappy kids will likely be in prison once all is said and done.


Yeah ■■■■■■■■ that up completely. We went from a variable rate to a lower fixed rate.

Spittin’ into the wind, are ye, Pilgrim?

Uh, yeah you did.

No one lies more about Trunp then trump himself

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Taping both hands over his mouth might be his best chance at salvation, unless he learns how to twit with his toes.

Yeah opposition to a leader is just like the king who destroyed Babylon and was assassinated by his kid.

Keep it up, one day you may actually catch me a slipping with a reference I have to Google.

I laughed so hard at that I had coffee coming out my nose. :rofl:

Why is that so important to you? I’ve literally got 6 bookcases overflowing from all of the hundreds of books that I’ve read. I’ve read the last 6 Woodward books. Why would I lie about reading this one? But more importantly, why would you even care? :confused:

Still nothing…

Well it’s a parody account, so he’s happy. If you see every post in that way, he comes across as decent, if lazy, satire.

I’m still confused. Do you honestly expect me to waste time trying to prove that I’m reading the book? Seriously?

When I’ve completed it, if you want to have a discussion about a particular chapter, I would be happy to indulge you. If that isn’t acceptable , then I can’t help you.

It’s never come across as a parody account to me.

Ish, glad to see you havent lost your touch.

Misusing Scripture to brand Trump as someone who should not be mocked because he’s “God’s Chosen Man in the White House” is some mighty good work.

cough B—S— cough