Bob Woodward’s Stunning Look into the Presidency

Maybe one is Frum’s Trumpocracy? I have that…

Trump supporters are kinda like frogs in a boiling pot. They stayed in when it was hot and now they have to stay in when its boiling…

I’m still on Wolfe’s book too, I keep picking it up and slogging through several pages before I put it down again. He really could have done so much better in making it an enjoyable read…

Loved Game Change, and am really looking forward to Woodward. It’s the only book I’ve ever pre-ordered.

All 6 of them?

Roxie is probably one of the 23% that gave Nixon a thumbs up in the Presidential approval category. Ya know, those evil libruls did what they could to destroy Nixon.

And they keep saying “he’s not a conservative” or “he’s not one of us” or “he’s no true scotsman”, yet doing zero about it.

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I have a couple of older ones and they don’t bother my eyes at all since mine are from before they added the brightness. So you can read them in daylight but not at night without an added light. (I use a great solar powered booklight I bought on Amazon. $15 and it works like a charm.)

There are tons of digital book deals every day that bring down prices of great books. And lots of free books, too. I also have a large library of books, too, related to my work but digital is great, too. Just FYI.

How are those gold investments coming along?

No doubt.


Trump was sharply criticized for initially saying that “both sides” were to blame. At the urging of advisers, he then condemned white supremacists and neo-Nazis, but almost immediately told aides, “That was the biggest ■■■■■■■ mistake I’ve made” and the “worst speech I’ve ever given,” according to Woodward’s account.


Woodward’s book won’t move the political needle even an inch. But what it will do is provide the template for future historians to judge this presidency. History will not be kind to Donald.

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Yeah this wont do it, impeachment even with the house flipping is such a long shot, Republicans in the senate will not convict.

He is the current face of “conservatism”, I mean conservatives believe he was hand selected by god in order to right this country.

Nutty beliefs like those are though to break, no this fever needs to get much much worse

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Always a ■■■■■■■ tweet always


As did I, except on Audible.


Holy ■■■■■ Yeah, learning the truth about Nixon was a real blow to journalism!


That was tame.

Yes. A shame they caught the Nixon WH doing illegal things.

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Best me to it