Bob Woodward’s New Book Will Detail ‘Harrowing Life’ Inside Trump White House

See now this is the reasonable.

What an epic ■■■■■■■ whiff.

Pay no attention to Obama. Right?

This place cracks me up. Someone expresses interest in a book and it’s all "why should I care? " “Libs!”


Define a lib school. I’m interested. I’m a science teacher at a private, non-secular college preparatory school.

Its obvious you didn’t read Kessler’s new book.

You have some to choose from.

You did not answer the question.

I will leave it to the objective reader to decide that.

Or, maybe you cannot answer the question. That’s my guess. You have no clue about what you speak. Are you an educator?

Not a good one. I just tried to teach you but failed.

Answer my question.

I have the Kindle versions of his books on the First Family and Secret Service, though I haven’t read them. I did look through them. They seemed like they were going for gossip more than anything else. I may have to spend a little more time with them. But I don’t know I’ll buy his Trump book if I’m buying Woodward’s.

What you mean is “please connect the dots for me so that I can understand what is obvious to everyone else”.

Amadeus, you see the game is to play somewhat blissful ignorance and pretend it’s everyone else’s fault. :slight_smile:

Why not read both for a fair and balanced understanding?

If you want to send me a gift card for Kessler’s book, I’ll buy it.

Hey no problem. I fully expect Trump haters would only be interested reading in the book that bashes Trump. I on the other hand prefer to read them all. I’ve read Wolf’s book and Kessler’s book already. I plan to read Woodward’s book when it becomes available.

Answer my question.

not you. Ish.

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