Bob Woodward’s New Book Will Detail ‘Harrowing Life’ Inside Trump White House

Looking forward to Bob Woodward’s forthcoming book “Fear.” I expect it to be better than Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury,” which, getting further in, isn’t as compelling as I hoped. But Woodward is a journalist with superb credentials. It should be an excellent read and should have some compelling stuff (better than Omarosa … LOL)…

Anyone else planning on getting this?

Yeah, I’m looking forward to it too. Fire and Fury is not an easy read - some interesting stuff in there but the writing doesn’t draw you in and keep you interested.

I’m still going back to it on my Kindle every so often. But I’m spending much more time with Russian Roulette. I just came across the first mention of Maria Butina in there and it delighted me they had her nailed before her name hit the papers. Corn was getting into that a little yesterday when I saw him interviewed.

I still want to get that one, too. I imagine it’s pretty interesting.

What does Bob Woodward know about the inside of Trump’s White House?

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Don’t know, but I’m interested to find out.

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Nothing. Nobody has been on the staff long enough to know anything.

This is going to be another ice cream story.

Lol maybe that’s the reason no one lasts in this administration. But I like ice cream.

I will have three scoops please

We have this ad in some of the local magazines for a weed infused root beer poured over ice cream. Looks so good.

I cant handle the Weed

No? Not for everyone I guess.

Dems need their flames fanned.
Woodward is one of their biggest fans.

A round of aneurisms for everyone!

“sources familiar with …”

Sounds like you’re both a wee bit scared. You know he and Carl Bernstein found out what was inside Nixon’s White House.

But go ahead and say “woob woob woob” and do the Trumpkin Shuffle.

I’m not a huge Woodward fan, but that dude has hands down the best access and sources in Washington DC. He’s been doing this for almsot a half century.

The idea that no one has any idea what’s going on in the leakiest White House in modern history is silly.

Actually if you’d ever read a Woodward book-which you clearly haven’t-you’d know that almost everyone goes on record with him.

“Many people are saying…”

Just curious … what don’t you like about Woodward?