Bloomberg pays fines for 32,000 felons in Florida, paving their way to the voting booth

So people’s voting rights should be suspended because of that they might do when technically under the law they have completed all the requirements to vote.

You really want big gov doing that?

And completed their sentence.

Of re-offending?

Since they haven’t done so yet, how is that possible?

I’m not. Did libs ever decry “money in politics”?

I have no problem with voting and all other rights being restored when an offender has paid his full penance.

I do have a problems with press gang votes being bought by billionaires seeking to influence elections.


Restoring their right to vote won by a supermajority in very sense, it wasn’t even close. This was Florida voters’ intention before the GOP found that they could neuter it based on the wording of policy.

The efforts of Bloomberg, LeBron and everyone else in getting these fines paid are in line with the spirit of the electorate.


Of criming.

:rofl: Yeah, I’m sure the Florida electorate wants bloomberg buying votes.

And had their fines bought.

It’s not their money. I don’t think they care. They already voted their intentions.

Not one lib freaked

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You underestimate the power of the moral foundation. The libs probably don’t care.

I don’t disagree, in principle.

For Bloomberg to do it, it’s just bad politics. Terrible instincts, yet again.

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Would you be cool for others to pay their debt to society so they can buy arms?

But again the left double standards is on full display here. Bloomberg is biggest anti gun person I know of. Would he be doing that if they could buy guns?


This money is going directly to the people. Not campaigns.

You never answered my question about if a Pastor raised the money and paid the fine. Same problem with that?

I love this, Bloomberg paying fines so that people who have paid their debt to society but whom Florida has charged basically a poll tax, can vote for whomever they wish. :clap:t3:

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You overestimate it. Conservatives didn’t care until the name on the check was Bloomberg either.

John Legend, LeBron James, Michael Jordan, MTV, Comedy Central, VH1, Ben & Jerry’s, Levi Strauss & Co., the Miami Dolphins, the Orlando Magic, the Miami Heat and Stephen Spielberg didn’t get a thread.

Just Bloomberg.


Anyway, it’s Florida’s problem.

It’s just amusing how big money is A-:ok_hand: as long as it benefits the “correct” party.

No more whining about Citizens United?


Bloomberg has a history.

Oh yeah they have.