Bloomberg has a problem, it's Bloomberg

Where is the proof that a significant increase in the minimum hourly rate would lead to a reduction in the number of new jobs available?

Your own poll there only shows him getting 22% of blacks nationally.

It’s doubtful he’s going to do a lot better as long as Sanders remains in the race.

Which is a hell of a lot more than he was getting a month or two back.

Conventional wisdom says the video tanks his support with black voters, but conventional wisdom said he shouldn’t have had their support in the first place so…

78% of black democratic primary voters are not supporting him.

In order to win in November the democratic nominee is going to have to have high turnout and win 90% or more of the black vote.

I don’t think Warren will drop out anytime soon. I would also be highly surprised if klobuchar, Buttigieg, or Biden will drop out, meaning you will have all three of them competing with Bloomberg for the moderate vote while Warren continues to plummet and Bernie runs away with it snagging the majority of the progressive vote, it will be practically be over after Super Tuesday unless there is a brokered convention.

This reminds me of the republicans in 2016 when Trump was winning but barely 20% here 25% there while the establishment rank and file republicans were splitting the vote, at the same time people in the party were urging some to drop out but it was to late by the time they did, and we got Trump. It’s how the democrats will get Bernie.

It’s pretty well guaranteed that we’ll be down to no more than 3-4 dem’s still being in the race after S. Carolina.

Right now my money would be on Sanders, Butt boy and Bloomers.

Bloomers has to make a huge showing in S. Carolina and on super Tuesday to have any chance at all.

Bernie has the minority vote according to some new polls. The fact that even if that is not correct but even remotely close it’s over.


I thought Bloomberg was DOA when he entered the race, but he’s gotten strong traction and his messaging has been very effective.

So I wouldn’t count him out quite yet, that money is going a long, long way.

Did you see the new Monmouth poll it is eye opening of what’s to come. Not sure which poll is correct the one you posted or this one but it’s lights out for everyone not named Sanders.


Bernie is another one I thought was done, the moment he had that heart attack.

I think voters are repeating a message that was made in '16: The old rules don’t necessarily apply anymore.

What was previously disqualifying is now surmountable, anything goes.

How many primary votes has the earned to this point?

A link to the poll rather than a snapshot of the headline would be helpful.

What stopped him in 2016 was the Hillary machine, hate/love her she had a ground game and funding second to none. She also had the unique advantage of being the sole candidate running against Sanders not having to split votes with fellow democrats. And even then Sanders won 22 states. He’s very likely to win the big prize California. Then there is a plethora of Midwest states.

The 2016 map


Bernie states in Green, now add Nevada, California, and a few New England states at minimum and the fact that he will be able to pick up delegates in the south this time around from vote splitting from all the candidates. In 2016 he didn’t get a single delegate in the south as Hillary cleaned his clock there.

Here you go page 13.

The chances there will be more than 3-4 still in the running on Super Tuesday, much less following it are slim.

We’ll likely be down to Bernie, Buttboy, and Bloomers a month from now if not sooner.

Ok that’s the same Monmoth poll I think I was looking at. thanks.

Biden is in serious trouble.

Ya he is, curious I didn’t follow the Yang gang other then his proposal of a living wage what candidate do you think benefits from him dropping out? Granted he got 1% in Iowa but close to 3% in N.H. was he considered as progressive as Sanders and Warren?

Buttboy and Bloomers but both of them have serious problems with the black vote so most of it will probably shift towards Warren for however long she remains.

They are going to have a very hard time getting significant turnout from blacks and hispanics this time around no matter which of the remaining candidates ends up with the nomination.

Bookmarked this one also so we are able to revisit it after the election.

He’s not getting the nomination.