Bloomberg: Going, Going, Gone

This is where liberals and conservatives are in nearly 100 percent agreement. We need to care for those who cannot provide for themselves. Sometimes we don’t distinguish between those who cannot and those who will not. Or those who did not even try to prepare.

True. But your 5 candidates suck. Our one candidate has been amazing. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think that one thing that might prove to be a huge factor is Hawkfish. A few months ago I read where the Trump campaign was planning on spending some big bucks on data analytics. But whatever they do I will bet dollars to dog nuts that Bloomberg will make Hawkfish bigger and badder.

The incredible shrinking Mini Mike Bloomberg…GoingGoing…gone…

I suppose he has enough money left to buy…errr help other candidates.


A lot like Obama when he ran for his second term.

Look how many candidates the dem’s allowed/put up against him.

Utah had a Primary with I think it was 4 GOP candidates.

it has occurred to me that his run was never a serious attempt to get elected….I now think it was a plan by the Democratic party to cheat by illegally getting 500 million to run ads bashing trump……I now think that he spent $ 500 million on ads that for the most part bashed Trump……as there are very serious limitations on campaign contributions to his fellow democrats….I now think it was a scam to allow the democrats to get ½ a billion to run ads trashing Trump and helping the Democratic party…… thus circumventing campaign limits and helping the party under the fake run for office…would not put it past them to do this……scam….

Supposing that you are right- nevertheless, there’s nothing “illegal” about it.

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Oh great. Biden acts the part and Bernie looks the part. How will the voters decide?


Bloomberg should have known from the beginning that money may be able to buy you a President, but it can’t buy you the Presidency. :wink:

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Agree to agree.

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I’m not seriously arguing the GOP shouldn’t do what they did. I’m just mocking the idea that somehow this primary is proof that the Dems are authoritarians.

It makes no sense.

No joke, I’m proud of you dems for getting rid of his sorry ass. And you got him to piss away a half a billion dollars. Well done.

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Going to need case of salt to rub into their wounds.

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At about 12 million dollars per delegate…and he wanted to manger our goverment/economy?

Is the democrat party proportionately representing its population?

There’s one called The Kid Sniffer in the works. :rofl: :wink:

Not as good as ■■■■■ grabber.

“You didn’t build that!”



It’s cool when your candidate brags about sexually assaulting women.

Interesting question. Are we counting the ones still being held in Meh-he-co?