Bloomberg: Going, Going, Gone

No skilled welder is unemployed for long. No skilled anything is unemployed now, unless they really screw up or they don’t want to work. The Trump economy is not a trickle down economy. You must seize your piece of it. It won’t come to you.

Not everyone can be a skilled welder, even if they are all qualified. The demand for any type of labor isn’t unlimited. Even if everyone got 100% straight As and worked really hard, you would still many of them working low wage jobs. Because of basic economics

Then learn a skill that you are good at. It may take some time, but eventually it will work out. Most people had it much easier than me. I figured it out and never blamed anybody but myself for what I didn’t have.

You’re missing my point. Even if everyone made the perfect choices and worked hard, there would be many still in poverty or working low wages. Good paying jobs, any job for that matter, are not unlimited. There are only X seats. If everyone was a CEO you would have no workers.

It’s funny how cons complained during the Obama years that no good jobs were being created then told poor people they don’t have good jobs because they aren’t working hard enough

keep telling yourself that if it helps

What is exactly untrue?

Now you get to see a rich elitist snob and Joe Biden duke it out.

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That’s a theory. The fact is that poverty is made up by uneducated, unmotivated, unskilled or unemployable folks. People who have decided not to prepare themselves for life. Nearly everyone who prepared is doing fine.

If you think I have memes now, just wait until the Kid Sniffer gropes the nomination.


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I see old senile old kid sniffer that elites pushed for be a figure head.

Jeffrey Epstein hearts this comment.

Be careful…libs will accuse you of being Russian troll bot. :wink:

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Yeah, but they won’t have it in them to say my name. :wink:

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It’s not a theory. It’s reality. Not everyone can have a high paying job, even if everyone worked hard and did well in school. Not everyone can be CEO. Not everyone can be a manager. It is structural.

This is basic economics. Scarcity. Good paying jobs are not unlimited.

It certainly sounds like you’re ignoring one group. I’m fine with much of what you say. But there are many people in this country who are LITERALLY unemployable. Not because of laziness, drug addiction, or bad/unmade choices. Because they lack the basic functionality, often from birth, to support themselves with conventional jobs. They can’t get them, or can’t keep them. They have an IQ of 80. Or bipolar or schizo-affective disorders that began as teenagers.

This is not a derailment. You made the claim. Private charities, and what government assistance exists, are not enough to support them. What does a responsible conservative suggest?

Says the guy who’s party canceled primaries and won’t let anyone run against trump.

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Says the angry-bitter-losing-libs who can’t run a winning candidate to save their welfare hides.


“But Truuuuump!”


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True or false? as a D, I have more candidates to choose from in the primary than you, a GOPer?

My candidate already won. :wink:

Your “primary” is a pool of losers, taking turns being the loser.



Actually that’s not true at all. :roll_eyes: