BLM Slams DNC for “Installing” Harris, Demands Virtual Primary

I never expected to see a story like this, but BLM admittedly raises some interesting points so expect Democrats to squash this revolt immediately. BLM’s statement is linked and worth a read.

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They’re right. I’d like to see her earn the
nomination, not be coronated.

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Libs don’t get a say, they’ll get told who they’ll vote for. :wink:


I am honestly speechless. I think I might actually agree with BLM.


I’m shocked. Their statement is well reasoned, too.

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You will do what you’re told…beside I heard it was grass root that put her into this position and not coronation.


Correction, Smuck Schumer said it was bottom up.

Well, that part is true. A majority of voters, including Democrats, didn’t think Biden was up for it

I saw that, super weird.

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BLM and anybody else notwithstanding.

The voting is long over and the delegates (Electors) have already been chosen. The party conventions are essentially Electoral Colleges. They are to the party what Electors are to the United States.

The chosen delegates (Electors) being legally released by Biden from their pledge of support are now free to vote as they wish and a vast majority quickly pledged to Kamala Harris. Like it or not, they are duly elected delegates (Electors) and have that prerogative under our primary system.

If a Presidential candidate died subsequent to the General Election, but prior to the Electors giving their votes, those Electors would be freed from their pledge to vote for the original candidate and would vote for the candidate the political central committee chose.

Had Trump been killed in the assassination attempt, I would have been perfectly fine with the Republican Party central committee choosing a replacement candidate (as the Republican Convention is already over). If the convention had not yet occurred, I would have been perfectly fine with the Republican Party proceeding as the Democratic Party is doing.

Kamala Harris has the vast support of the duly elected delegates (Electors) and is entitled to the nomination at the convention.


i was 100% a back,smoke filled room deal for Harris.

the DNC wanted Harris.

and she is now the presumptive nominee.


I’m just shocked that a mere “idea” has its own website, its own voice, its own demands… :thinking:



They’ll rue the day they dumped mumbles biden.


biden wasnt beating trump.

all that energy wasted. all that money wasted.

beating up on an old man.
i came across a deal on the internet.

“Lets go Brandon” flags 12 for a dollar.

i thought they were excessively overpriced.

lol. you reap what you sow.


…and on that…we agree. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

I disagree. I think Biden had one last “screw you” in him and used it. They were pushing him out and instead of just bowing out gracefully he also coupled his withdrawal with an endorsement. Of a Black Female who happened to be his Veep.

There is no way on God’s green earth that the DNC has any sway at this point. The Clintons acknowledged her first and everyone else got in line fast. The last to endorse? Congressional Leadership, who probably had other ideas for a candidate but Biden beat them to the punch.

He went out like a gangster, I like it.


Yes, everyone knows biden was only a useful idiot all along.

But until 72 hours ago no dimocrats would admit it.

Desperation set in and the people in charge pitched him overboard and now you all think it was your idea all along.

But that same desperation led to an even worse decision.

You reap what you sow indeed.


On the second letter??

The things you people think up to justify idiocy.

Actually voting for who runs for President is an existential threat to our democracy. You will do what the party elite tell you.