BLM Slams DNC for “Installing” Harris, Demands Virtual Primary

That’s right. Grass roots. Like the editorial board of the New York Times.


The real problem is that they voted under the false pretext of the party elite that Biden was capable of being President when many knew he was not. That is how Democratic voters were robbed of their choice.

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I give it six weeks.

You guys have been saying for months that Biden isn’t fit, and then the debate happened, where the whole country saw. But now you want to turn on a dime and pretend that it was just the political class that had input? C’mon man.

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We were warning. Nobody in power was listening. Is that your point?

Of course we were.

And we’ve been summarily dismissed by the media, by pundits, by the cultural elite, by intelligentsia. And by the vast majority of run-of-the-mill libs.

Suddenly they’re all on board with it too.

And the same Veep that we’ve also been saying (for years, not months) is a hollow DEI placeholder, has now become the darling of all the same lib entities who have been dismissing what we’ve been saying about Harris. Two months from now when she’s wallowing in certain defeat and the same lib entities will start asking how this happened to them, you’ll pretend that we haven’t been warning you all along.


I would have thought BLM would be enamored with the Harris coronation. After all, didn’t Harris encourage BLM rioting, burning, looting mayhem and assaults on LEOs during the summer of 2020?
Didn’t Harris facilitate the raising of bail for those arrested during the riots she encouraged?
The BLM position is very surprising and confusing.


There it is again…


Label that’s only applied to black people or Women who they deem “stupid”. Expect more of this with Kamala going forward.


BLM is irrelevant. Their demands carry no weight.

The Democrat Party has literally cheated their own primary voters by pushing out Biden and replacing him with Harris.
You can’t make this stuff up. :roll_eyes:


Ooh. Once again the saying holds: Throw a rock into a pack of dogs, and the one who yelps is the one you hit.

You need to figure out when to shut up. Your posts are detestable to me, and you reinforce that each time you reply to me.

And, as promised, I will remind you of that each time you reply to me.

Go troll someone else.

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Why do you care?

Biden left because he wanted to. He made a decision that was best for him.

Stupid. It’s an open discussion board and you said something silly.

Back on this again… so much substance. Can’t defend your DEI stance?

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She certainly did all those things.

Now she wants you to believe she is law and order. :man_shrugging:

One would have to have stupid written on their forehead to believe that.

She did not encourage rioting. Ever.

yeah they’ll get over it.

^^ Replace “BLM” with “Democrat voters” and you have what the Democrat elite were saying when they anointed Kamala.

I don’t give a damn; it just proves the deceit and corruption of the disgusting Democrat Party who will steal votes from their voters. And if you believe that Biden wanted to leave, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. :roll_eyes:

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And you know this how?

No. My point is your narrative is false. This was not top down, everybody concluded that Biden was not fit after that debate.

Yeah, because this is an old playbook from you guys. You ©️ lied about Clinton and Obama, and bolstered your case with deceptively edited videos and cherry picked seconds from whole speeches.

In short, you ©️ weren’t believed because you ©️ have a record of lying about this kind of thing.