BLM about to make a statement?

Why? To placate white people triggered by their name?

Conservatives have worked on the problem for decades and had to overcome the Democrat liberal racism of the 60s and prior. Since that time, they’ve led the way to the point “we” are at now where there is a greater probability that police kill whites but that the killing of a black person, motivates more outrage.

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage

Yep. They’re mad BLM isn’t going far enough. It would be a great thing to see actually, if these arguments weren’t completely in bad faith.

A better analogy would be a pro life group. According to the logic here they are not in fact pro-life if the only thing they are concerned about is abortions

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Yeah, because a perp getting shot while assaulting a police officer and trying to take his gun is something that should never happen. The cop should just give him the gun and tell him to have a nice day. BLM was founded on a lie. It is a lie that the organization values black lives at all, all they value is the perceived power they can get.

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BLM is nothing more then warm bodies to sacrifice for leftist agenda.

Point of this thread is that Black lives are nothing more then sacrificial lambs for the left to take and then hold power.

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They are about police brutality. But you knew that.

Then why haven’t they protested the white lives lost to police brutality?

oh yeah… nevermind

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What’s their name again?

Yes, I do.

I blame them for not standing up against black on black crime and they should be ashamed of themselves for not doing so.

If Black Lives Matter but they don’t matter if it’s black on black crime then they should change their name to something else.

If they are about police brutality then why only for black people? Is a person brutalized by police any less a victim because of their skin color?

Okay, so its not about police brutality, its about liberals gaining power because some black lives matter… others. not so much.


Figure it out.


If it isn’t on CNN or in the WashPo, it didn’t happen.
Its not so much how you bias the news as how you decide what is and isn’t news.
A white woman getting upset with a black man is a “Karen” and is news on a national level. Would a black man yelling at a white woman be national news…yes, I am kidding.

Yes it is rediculous. Black lives do not matter to them at all, some black deaths do. Maybe they should change their name to (some) Black Deaths Matter.

Of course they are. Which race of men is killing most of them?

I already have. So have the majority of people.