Black-nationalist terrorism?

I don’t even want to know what you put into google to find that.

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It doesn’t surprise me one bit that she would blame this on white supremecists.

I heard about the Jersey City video from the Ben Shapiro radio show. He posted a link on his twitter account.

Shapiro is an Orthodox Jew and a conservative commentator for Daily Wire. For example here is what he had to say about the response to the attack at the kosher market:

Other commentators note that the mainstream media have ignored anti-Semitism unless it comes from alleged Trump supporters. For example, many assumed that the Jersey City attack had to be the result of NRA-supporting, Trump-loving, white nationalists even when there was no information about the identity of the real attackers:

UPDATE: The suspected killers at the kosher market are also suspected in an earlier killing of a Jersey City cab driver:

UPDATE: Ahmed A-Hady, 35, has been arrested and charged with possession of a gun after a felony conviction. His phone number was found in the pocket of one of the shooters, but it is not clear what his connection is to the shooters.

City officials are saying that the real target may have been a Jewish school with roughly 50 children as students. Police interrupted them at the beginning of the attack and may have saved dozens of lives. For details see:

In the meantime, CNN is running a story about the surprise from former neighbors and co-workers that Francine Graham could be one of the shooters. Unlike Anderson, she had no criminal record:

Do you think that CNN would run a similar story if the alleged shooters were associated with white nationalists instead of black nationalists?

Is it all about the Benjamins?

SPLC legitimate


To the best of my knowledge, it’s not growing. As members of a whackjob hate group though, it’s hard to call it “two people who happen to have connections” though. I’m open to learnin’ though.

It’s good enough for the op.

Ya sorry just watched the joker was a good movie recommended :slight_smile: On a serious note they have been caught many times and sued for labeling people/hate groups when they weren’t.

Here they are having to pay a Muslim 3.4 million after accusing him of being and anti-Muslim extremist. Big list of these that have come back at them. I am sure they did good work at one time that time is gone. I take them as serious as the onion.

My point was that the op had labeled them a hate group in the past and then used them when he felt it the need to.

Correction, “Former Member”.

UPDATE: Alleged anti-Semitic attack on a Jewish woman a New York City subway. Again the alleged attacker has no apparent connection to white nationalists, which means radio silence from the mainstream media.

According the video the attacker spoke favorably about the recent Jersey City attack.

Caution video includes R-rated language:

What’s going on in that yankee ■■■■ hole?

There are increasing problem with anti-Semitic attacks in the New York area, but since it has no connection to white nationalists the media generally ignores it.

I was actually surprised that CNN covered the Jersey City attack as much as they have. Of course part of the coverage was an attempt to put one of the alleged attackers in a favorable light.

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