Bill Nye Perfectly Embodies Leftist Climate Change Attitude

With the f word in it, it’s always a good idea NOT to link to it on the baord.

if it’s background an not noticable and very few words not allowed here, then mostly it will get a pass. If it’s blatent in the video or a lot of words, no it’s not allowed.

i had a feeling - thanks for clarifying

and thinking back i dont think i got time off but the thread i started was deleted

Wait so Bill Nye cussed on HBO at 11pm and you’re gettin the vapors about it? Sorry you don’t like what he said. You know maybe you’d be better off without a tv. It seems to cause you no end of anguish.


even one major news source thinks he is engaged in delivering a message rather than just trying to be funny

here read it at fox news:

and fyi, in some form of another you mentioned “trump” 4 times in your one post

get a grip

Voters vote for vile Trump. They actually get mad at Nye for a word.

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wait, no. read my posts

he could cuss i dont care. i thought it was funnt when bob saget would cuss away from his family shows

but being a big condescending ■■■■■■■ puts an ugly cherry on top of his stupid schtick.

It’s so ridiculous on its face that it’s hardly believable. This thread is about Bill Nye staining the sacred legacy of…Bill Nye. While our president cusses like a bad actor in a mafia b-movie, pays off sex workers, serves chick filet to our national champions, and complains that the White House is a “dump”. Haha you cons have completely ruined any integrity you have on issues of class or decency. We are all laughing at you. Like, a lot. And it will just be funnier once you’re out of power.


Of course he is engaged in a message.

The entire segment of the show was about the Green New Deal.

It was presented with humor.

That is what the show is.

Do we need a remedial class on what television is?


If he was being condescending for the other team you wouldn’t say a word about it.

Mods, can we post in this thread what our actual president has said? Or is that TO material?


Hahaha nope.

Nye’s entire career is predicated on delivering a message. The message is the importance of sound science to our youth, and more recently to the broader public. More specifically, his message here is the impending consequence of not addressing AGW.

Oliver’s show is a late night cable TV show, children are not the audience. Adults are the audience. Adults can handle adult language, particularly when you adopt a persona that stands in such stark contrast to your normal behavior. It was for fun… you don’t have to laugh, but most of us do. Betty White is famous for doing the same thing…

What @NotoriousNik was saying is true through and through. You can’t have a party elect a completely foul-mouthed, abhorrent guy to lead their party and the country, and then feign any sort of outrage when someone on the opposite side of the aisle curses. If you’re apparently OK with a guy who’s mouth is 1,000 times worse than that holding the highest office in the land, believe me when I say you’ve forfeited the right to express any sort of disdain for that kind of language. I mean, you’re free to say whatever you want, just don’t expect anyone to take it serious…


Sure. Did I link to anything? Did I say anything about linking to it? Your reply to me seems kind of weird.

Im just going to suggest that you not watch Bill Maher. :wink: lol

When it is a filter word over and over and over again for 60 seconds. NO. And you get at least a week off for doing so.

Just making sure you knew it probably wasn’t a good idea if you wanted to put up a link to it.

I’m aware. This isn’t minority report. You really don’t need to warn me about something I haven’t actually done yet. Thanks.

Why was my comment, responding to this post…deleted?

As I said, defend how he acts? Thats just silly so called conservatives gave up any credibility when it comes to judging moral actions of others.

In fact both my posts deleted…

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Nice to know the right wing is against the continuance of our civilization.