Bill Barr. The world's biggest slow poke

Barr’s biggest tingle was being able to walk out and proclaim “No obstruction, no collusion”. It made his life complete. The rest is just lip service.

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Addiction is hard to break.

Again, I agree. When he is asked difficult questions he looks like an idiot. The smart thing to do is to keep him away from tough questions. I would do the same if I were his handler.

Funny. This is exactly what trump’s handlers are doing.

Really? Trump hasn’t taken a question in three months? I had no idea? :rofl:

:disappointed_relieved: :rofl:

You really think a dude as clever as Bill Barr is going to set a precedent of indicting cabinet members of the previous administration when he knows for an absolute fact as things stand that he’s got about a two in three chance of being the previous administration in six and a half months?


Just the idiots that pushed the Russian collusion lie to coverup their attempted coup.

No. That’s not who we are. Indicting crooked, high ranking government officials would be barbaric.

This is the first I’ve heard you mention anything about obama and Russian collusion. Please tell us more.

Actually, I do. This is like a spider web and every thread needs to be unraveled which leads to more.

Right moment for the mass arrests?

I don’t think so, we still need the Obama Administration to testify in the Senate why they lied to us.

Maybe. But at this point if Biden wins, everybody walks. Barr has run out of time.

No. May I suggest you take the time to actually read the thread? You are the only one who has suggested this.

In all fairness to Barr whenever they find something new it extends the entire investigation and it would be grossly unwise to try and lay it all out piecemeal if for no other reason than the fact it gives the rats who thought they might be in the clear a head’s up that they really aren’t.

He should release it when the investigation is completed.

Do you think he is actually learning new stuff? He already has access to everything said or done during the Russia hoax. He doesn’t have to dig for anything. He fiddle farted around for months. Now he’s out of time. Once again, no accountability.

I highly doubt it. Obama and crew didn’t go after Cheney and company after lying to pad the pockets of Haliburton either.

Dude you need some new material. That horse has been beaten to death already. Seriously.