Bill Barr tells Jon Karl that The Big Lie is….a Big Lie

And the same ones now lamenting their choice…many publicly doing so?

Is that coming from the same people who told us there was no way the virus leaked from the Wuhan lab…that Trump was a Russian agent…that hunters laptop was obviously A Russian Rudy plant…that Kavanaugh was a rapist…that the Covington Catholic kids were horrible people…and that Trump had the park cleared for a photo op?

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No it’s not.

It’s coming from understanding how elections work and listening to the people that actually ran the elections…most of them local people and which included both Biden and Trump supporters.

There is zero evidence the 2020 election was rigged. You literally believe it only because a con man whose ego could not bear the thought of defeat told you to believe it.


Let’s see your proof.

Yes…those senators who were elected by the people of Arizona.

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And this tells us…what?

And the same Senators who approved the rules used to run and certify elections in the state.

…and the same senators who are patiently waiting on the results of the investigation…just like I am.

Do I believe Biden won…sure?

It doesn’t matter to me what Trump said. I posted the night of the election that something didn’t smell right. Watching big leads for one candidate disappear the way they did on election night…

Sorry but I ll never believe this last election was as pure as we are being told it was.

And yes the same people who with such certainty claimed all those things I listed…which turned out to be untrue are the people telling me with such certainty that Joe Biden got the most votes in the history of presidential elections in this country.

I don’t bring it up much because No one has proven anything and Biden’s presidency is such a complete f ing joke I prefer to talk about that than provide leftists the distraction of talking about Trump. Dealing with the Biden farce is way more important.

If Mr Trump chooses to run and spends all of his time talking about the last election that will be a huge mistake without proof…

But if there comes a day when the news story is written offering hard evidence that the last rodeo wasn’t as pure as y’all keep telling us it was…

Just like the Wuhan lab leak story I won’t be surprised.

Big leads disappeared for both candidates on Election Night.

Biden lost big early leads in North Carolina, Ohio and Florida.

Ask yourself how that happened…hint it had to do with which states could count mail in votes early and which couldn’t.

Nothing nefarious about it at all…indeed it was explained exactly why it would happen beforehand.

Of course you will read something nefarious into THAT when it’s really simple math.

Math which repeated itself in this most recent primary election BTW (only difference is not as many people voted by mail this time).

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none in 2016 either, yet there you were


Yep. It’s been explained by the same people offered detailed explanations of all that other stuff I mentioned…

And y’all were wrong every time.

This country is now stuck with the dumbest presidency of our lifetime. That cluster whispering Joe has created at the border is going to haunt us for a long time and his idiotic administration doesn’t care. We’ve got serious inflation…clueless Joe can’t present a spending bill that’s not in the trillions…his administration is all in on critical racism theory…our country was embarrassed by the Chinese in Alaska and Biden did nothing to make us proud at the G7 and with Putin. We’ve got a joke living in the White House.

You can lecture and patronize about the last election you want. It doesn’t matter if I think the last election was legit or not.

Your guy won…and his presidency is a disaster.

That’s what matters.

I missed the part where Hillary launched lawsuits and claimed actual votes were switched and fake ballots inserted.

And got 80% of Democrats to believe all this happened almost a year later.

And tried to cajole state government officals and the Vice-president of the United States to change the results for him.

Can you point all that out to me as happening in 2016?

did you miss the part where she went on every talk show sympathetic to her claims and let her cry? it was right before she went around the world doing same

but enough about sore losers

there are lawsuits and polls in that direction because people can see something was up

really up

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Yoiu just agreed with me two posts up there was zero evidence that the 2020 election was stolen or rigged…and now here you are saying the lawsuits are happening because people can “see something was up”.

First you try false equivalence…then you try to pretend in the very next post there was no equivalence.

And I supposed you thought people would miss that doublethink sleight of hand?

Cue “Are you making this about me?” in 3…2…1…

:rofl: :rofl:

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“absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”

—carl sagan

all these audits and support for them are for no reason at all huh?

that’s what happens when people start taking unauthorized photos and video of election workers. There were authorized people both Republican and Democrat inside doing their job.

You’re falling for debunked conspiracy theories.


i wondered what the narrative for the stupid was over this

sure sure.

reality is waiting when you decide to return.

umkay cant blame you for trying