Big trouble for AOC?

All of the Congressmen who have visited these facilities have had their phones and cameras confiscated before they go in. They are only reporting what they have heard. Believe it or not.

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The cruelty is the ■■■■■■■ point.

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Nowhere she has +10 immunity for saying silly things.

Good point. They could bring all these democratic lies to the surface. They could show the world how nice these detention centers actually are.


Imagine what this place was like the day before they received notice that they’ll be visited by multiple members of Congress.


I’d be really interested in seeing a bi-partisan group of representatives visit a detention center without prior warning


Castro, wasn’t this the guy in the debates who said he would do away with criminalizing crossing the border? Or is it a different one, cant tell by his picture.

I would love to see that, but it ain’t gonna happen. Trump Republicans are too chicken ■■■■ to see the truth.
This just in.

Decriminalize, yes. Make legal, no. Crossing the border illegally would be a civil offense, not a federal crime.

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Same guy, he has been trying to walk it back a bit since in interviews.

So the democrats according to Biden and Castro want to decriminalize crossing the border as well as give free healthcare to illegals? Are democrats really for this?

Looks like its been confirmed by others who were there. Would you like to move on now or continue beating your dead horse? Asking for a friend

Sure. Public healthcare is better in Mexico fyi. If your a human and here you don’t need to suffer. Wd are capable I would hope. When I was an illegal Alien living in New Zealand and working illegally I almost severed my finger off. Got stitched up at the Local hospital no problem. No bill. 1993

No she isn’t. Liberals will rally around her no matter what she says or does. Remember how liberals rallied around Sandy Berger when he “accidentally” smuggled classified material out of the National Archives in his socks and underwater? Well, liberals are more insane now than they were then … much more.

As expected, the left will ridicule any who call out their heroes for their lies and deceit.

Which actually means, of course, that she is in no trouble at all with her base. They are too busy mocking Trump and calling him insane for exaggerating the number of people who attended his inauguration.

This should feel familiar.

Cool projection.

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Is she lying? A few other reps also went and said similar things.

Republicans can solve this by sending their own reps to the border as well. They can show us that AOC is a liar and that the conditions are acceptable for non-criminal human beings.

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You mean the left will ridicule those calling this a lie without any proof one way or the other.

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removed from office for what?