Big Tech and the Midterms

Alex Jones. :laughing:. You know all social media platforms have a Terms of Service clause right? You can’t go on them and post whatever you want. Including this one, I might add.

Then why did you post it?

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Good lord you are a bleeding heart liberal aren’t you.

Because he is pissy that a corporation gets to decide what they will and won’t allow in terms of the usage of their product. While at the same time hypocritically not calling out and demanding those on the other side don’t do exactly the same.

Its all about numbers at this point, and he doesn’t like how they seem to be unfair to him.

As usual, it was kind of fun for a while, but he’s starting to bore me now.

again apples to oranges
Rush and Sean admit openly what they are standing for
facebook&Co claim their platforms to be non-partisan:
Once again, they shoudl openly declare their political position and intentions and inform all users of their platforms about. Then they coudl decide if they will continue use the palatforms and which form, like you are free as well to switch the channel or turn off the radio if you dont want to hear what Rush and Sean broadcast

Its about fairness, something which look to be totally unfamiliar to you, liberal cheaters

I’ll agree if they shut down Fox News for 30 days also.

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And there it IS.

Walked right into it.

someone asked for evidence that Facebook/Zuckerberg is doing it…
In his testimony he confirms it, and comes with a pathetic excuse, as leftists always do to justify their felonies

Just for the record fairness != how much money a group of people can raise to support an individual candidate.

they could build a conservative Facebook but it would too small for anyone to care.

You think that matters?

Is it fair that a baker in Colorado won’t bake a cake for a gay wedding?

Maybe Zuck just needs to declare that he can’t let conservatives voice their message on his platform because it goes against his sincerely held religious beliefs. That ought to do it.


Apples to Oranges!

But, I agree to shut down all social media platforms, Fox and the other TV channels as well (CNN&Co) for 1 month, in order to assure there will be no manipualtion. Liberal doing (in that case cheating) conduct always to abolishing our civilization :roll_eyes:

Everything is apples and oranges to you because you’re not getting your way.

News flash, 1st amendment doesn’t allow this. Jesus about how far are you willing to go to suspend the constitution to further your ignorant opinions?

Maybe he should really do it!
But playing that indecent game “uh, we are non-partisan” but then caught to be very well partisan and even going so far to use their platforms in order to influence elections, just expose their hypocrisy


Hyporcrisy it might be but for you to advocate the squelching of free speech … well that is about as unamerican as it gets, so I had better not see you posting on the topic of free speech at any point in the future. This thread will serve as the quote point, believe that.

Case in point what you propose isn’t ever gonna happen and you and everyone else including myself better hope it never does, because at that point we won’t be America anymore, we will be a state run dictatorship. Our very own president at the current time shares your point of view btw.

It was hypothetical talk. I said “lets shut down Fb&Co”, he replied “agree, but in exchange we shut down Fox” and so on…