Big Brother hell no, Dad!

why are they poor? why isn’t everyone poor?

Have you ever asked them? What did they say?

depends on the person, for some it was prison, for some it was bad families, for some it was drugs.

but I wonder why you think they are poor. pretty sure you never asked.

Since you’ve already missed the point, I’ll get on out of here. One can go around in circles with you for only so long.


Do you grow your own food, build every material possession you have yourself?

The question is: Do you create enough value to purchase what you do?

And the hamster spins his wheel…

Sorry that’s not the question.

Are you speaking about God? I agree.

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Hey I feel like if they don’t they are simply naive. It’s out there every day.

many people grow their own food or hunt it. as far as material possessions which are necessary to survive. you confuse the words depend and rely. Dependence is not a choice, reliance is. as the context is liberty versus slavery you must remember why Lincoln went to war.

To preserve the union.

slavery anywhere endangered liberty everywhere!

Spin your wheel hamster.

And that’s STILL not the question.

What a weird, self-serving metaphor.


I hope this link helps you.


Spoken like Krugman himself.

did the OP say that dad was repressive? if so where?

now that you have expanded the context where does self reliance come into the equation. Where do you address liberty?

If I live with dad, and dad gets transferred he still takes care of me and I do not need to apply. He accepted my dependence when he chose to have me. He was not conscripted to support me. on the other hand a person dependent on government cannot transfer on a whim, they are less free than dad. they may not have the resources to relocate and find greater opportunity, they are oppressed by their economic position.

dad is free to move, financially independent and self sufficient and likely to put me through college.

dad can move to a neighborhood where healthy food is sold, schools are good, and the streets are safe.

government does not provide the freedom that self reliance does.

any difference?

Actually, I am saying that welfare in its many forms does not serve the interest of those that receive it any more than a slave that was provided for on a plantation. I am saying that during slavery it was illegal to educate slaves and in poor schools the needy do not get an education. I am saying that taxes reduce investment and therefore lessen to the opportunity to find meaningful work.

I am saying that government programs have created war zones full of crime and drugs and those that live there are trapped. I am saying the plight of the poor is intentional and oppressive.

I am hopeful though that people without transportation are free to travel.

and I am saying that oppression does not need to be codified. it just takes people like you thinking they are doing good.

I expected you would bring up child support, I wonder if you support free tuition for college

One of the best ways to speed up technological advances in a variety of industries, at the cost of higher taxes? I’m in.

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