Big Brother hell no, Dad!

So… then… people who need a Daddy?

Libs are more like mommies.

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I always laugh when people say things like big brother is here. That was the beauty of it all. There was no big brother. Big Brother was created to keep people in line. Some here will say just like God and Religion were.

exactly, and people that need a daddy are not free people.

so you believe there is no surveillance state? not even metaphorically?

Oh I think there is…just not so musically as Orwell made it out to be. It’s out there. Hell I’m part of it!

sorry to hear that

So the Elderly and the disabled on Medicare are not free?

Let me explain. I run a community living program for people with developmental disabilities. Three years ago I had staff who are hired to take care of these people with Autism, CP, Downs syndrome and etc, who were caught stealing groceries, money, medications and who were abusing these folks. I even had a manager using a client’s SS money to make her own car payments. It was decided by our board and our exec to offer to place cameras in these people’s homes. To be used as an overwatch of our staff. Abuse went down, theft went down…just because of the threat of being watched. So while it disgusts me to have to do it…the people who were exploiting the disabled disgusted me more.


Are they better off dead?

I dunno man talk to Jesus.

There is a special place in hell for people who exploit the disabled.

So no one is free then since we all depend on other people.

Hence Cameras…

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they are better off being able to take care of themselves.

do you really believe we all depend on other people? if you do then give examples. your examples will prove you wrong.

while I appreciate your work, I must say that comparison is a stretch. I assume your staff knew they were being watched and continued to work for you.

do you believe all citizens are aware of the surveillance the government does?

What about that time between when they have nothing and can then take care of themselves.

the issue then, is why they have nothing, not if they have nothing. so why do they have nothing and some so much.

Because they’re too poor and not deserving life in your republic.