Biden's violent crime plan

Extending the time allowed to perform a background check from three days to ten would not have fixed the clerical error in the records. That was only found after the FBI thoroughly investigated the shooting.

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Then be serious and answer his questions.

Two can play your game.

How many rifles were used at the Virginia Tech mass shooting?


Illegal sales by dealers is not where criminals get their guns. That is just Biden thumping his chest for the ignorant masses (including the media.)


They would refuse if they take their oath seriously.

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“Allowing gun sales to proceed without a completed background check enables individuals who are prohibited from gun possession—such as the Charleston shooter—to evade the law and buy guns. This is not a hypothetical risk. In 2018, 4,240 background checks were denied nationwide after the three-day investigation period elapsed. In at least 3,960 of those cases, a gun was sold to the prohibited buyer at the discretion of the dealer, requiring officers of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to attempt to retrieve these guns from individuals with a potentially dangerous criminal history.4

Sounds like a good reason to extend the period.

Yeah … It gives the incompetent more time to get their ■■■■ together. :wink:

I don’t have a real issue with that change. My background checks are usually done within five minutes from when the FBI answers the phone. It often takes me longer to fill out the form 4473 than to get clearance. And if I would bother to get a CCP (which I don’t need to carry concealed) I wouldn’t have to do the NICS at all.


Is the oath still " I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."?

Based on those words they are to follow orders from superiors and if those Americans are considered domestic enemies, wouldn’t they be not taking their oath seriously if they didn’t follow those orders?

How so?

Illegal orders are illegal to follow.

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Ten days vs. three. More time to get their ■■■■ together.

It was reported tonight that over 300,000 guns were not sold last year because those folks failed the federal check. It was also reported that for years many gun dealers were only given a warning if they did not do a proper background check and/of had faulty paperwork. So the one mistake and your done law should really help.

That’s bunk. Gun dealers do not perform the background check, the FBI does.

And again, bad guys who cannot pass a background check don’t get their guns from dealers. It won’t help at all to make this change.


Yes I know. Perhaps I did not convey the new law. If the gun dealer does not submit the paperwork to start a background check, or submits a form with illegal information then they lose their license.

No. Background checks are done over the phone immediately after the customer fills out the form 4473. The dealer does not send in the paperwork; they file it in their “bound book.” The proposed change will do nothing to reduce the criminal use of guns.



I thought burdensome paperwork and non-instant registration were considered detrimental to minority rights…


Dude. I really dig the new avi!

It totally stands out on the main page. We’ll fone!:clap:

Thanks? But confused? This has been my Avi here for 13 years…

This same one?!

I guess I am just seeing it with tired eyes. It is really cool, though

Just wait until the lbs find out that blacks and women are buying guns at record levels. :wink: