Biden's violent crime plan

For themselves or you want to vote on it?

For themselves, but change will only come collectively.

I’m of the mind that if you are being oppressed by tyranny then you probably lack the ability to vote it away. If you can, then I think the application of the term tyranny is hyperbolic. Similar to the way y’all toss around the term authoritarian.

You want to decide for me then?

Yeah, the people in Venezuela, Cuba, China and Russia vote. They vote in North Korea.

How would I do that?

Are you for real? They can’t vote away tyranny and you know it.

Consensus. Hegemony. Authoritarian government power. Oppression.


Why not? They vote it in.


No. It’s individuals. And if enough individuals agree the government is being tyrannical, they can try to organize and overthrow it.

Doesn’t count when the voting is rigged, no pun intended.

There’s a pun there?

It only counts when they vote them in?

When did we vote on masks?

Who voted for Fauci?

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Reference to 2020? :thinking:

the userpations are not about covid, they started long before covid did. that leftists can’t see passed the stupid and childish “freeberty” narrative is meaningless.

It only counts when its not rigged.

We’re a representative democracy, not a direct democracy. Masks were on the state level. Fauci was on the federal level.

Nope. It wasn’t rigged.


Interesting perspective…

What else have we got? Well, surely the timing of the surge in murders counts. And it can be timed quite precisely, in fact: to the very end of May, before which there was little change and even some decline. The National Commission on COVID-19 and Criminal Justice report shows what University of Utah researcher Paul Cassell calls a “structural break” in the data timed exactly to the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent wave of mostly peaceful protests and subsequent looting, rioting and violence that raged across many cities. Before Floyd, no big increase in homicides, aggravated assaults and shootings. After, a huge spike.

Of course, that is not causation. But it’s one hell of a correlation — and no other event seems relevant. It’s as if the Floyd murder, and the subsequent urban chaos, sent a signal: the cops are on the defensive. Which means murderers can go on the offensive. And once lawlessness establishes itself, it tends to compound. A few gang murders can soon morph into tit-for-tat urban warfare.

I have thought this all along with the restrictions of the Covid lockdowns fueling the lawless pushback. The author disagrees with tis point.

Tough to reconcile the overall resulting elevated POC mortality with an effort to reduce some egregious acts by LEO against POC.

They released habitual savages back into public because of COVID.


San Quentin is just across the Bay from us. Apparently several thousand inmates were rushed into early parole last year. You don’t go to Quentin for shoplifting…

It’s what Democratic voters demanded.