Biden's Stimulus Package

Keep reading, kettle. lol


Automation always takes jobs.

How many toll collectors on the parkway/turnpike back in the 1960’s vs 2021?

Easy pass anyone.


It wasn’t drowned out by the MSM screaming Russian collusion, Schiff lying that he had “irrefutable proof” or Maxine yelling “impeach 45”?

Yep…just stir the ink…fire up the press…and print some more…amirite? :sunglasses:


No need. They already rake in enough to pay for it all.

Wouldnt the foreclosure relief help them?

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Yes of course. But how fast that happens is a direct result of how badly it’s needed. If you’re going to encourage someone to do something, it will happen faster.

The $400 in unemployment is good number. In my field, $600 was an incentive for people to stay unemployed. This may incentivize people to actually come back to work.

The guy has bankrupted and failed at how many businesses,?

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:rofl: Bumping what was already done $100 here and there?

Federally related properties?

Schiff must have hid his proof in the same place Trump hid his proof of massive election fraud.

Reliability is just as important as the dollar amount. We know this will pass Schumer’s Senate mostly unscathed. And so will the next one, and the one after that.

The semi-annual McConnell show is over. That’s huge for stability and recovery.

Yeah…let’s just put these massive lies out of our heads and that’s the ezpz way to make it all go away in la-la land.

Non-tangible benefits? Interesting.

Do we know it will pass Schumer’s Senate?

Cashiers aren’t even allowed to sit down in most stores. Might as well put a machine there.

Companies will quickly realize that these jobs have always been worth more than $15, with the welfare subsidies taken into account.

Higher labor costs accelerate that process.

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I’m contemplating referring to these handouts as the KY to help people accept the vast amounts of pork. Paid for at the grocer and at the pump, not to mention further eroding the value of any savings.

Not an enumerated power for any of it either.


Jobs that pay so well they can finally afford to have them automated.


The only reason we have a Schumer Senate to begin with is because his predecessor wouldn’t pass this stuff. They’ll pass it if they value their careers.

I forgot the NY bail out.

So $100 bump and bail out for blue states from pre-'Rona mismanagement.