Biden's rope-a-dope vs. Trump

Well this time it’s different. We’ve endured basically 4 years of daily Access Hollywood tapes.

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Step one : don’t nominate someone 50% of people have been taught to hate for a quarter century. Success!

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Viruses have taken down empires in the past. Or more specifically, an empire’s inability to effectively respond to one.

This is an excellent post. They can’t see the forest through the trees right now.

And that’s why the Senate will end up passing the Heroes Act. They don’t want everyone running out of money just as the election comes up. It’s a guaranteed loss.

We will see. Lady G said something about over his dead body would the UE benefits be extended and then pulled out his silk folding fan and muttered “I do declare”

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Biden has come out against defunding the police.

This is a line in the sand many Republicans are reticent to cross. Not least of which McConnell. He is nothing if not savvy about politics. He has already made known his desire to stay on as Minority Leader should the Democrats take control of the Senate. He has another 6-year term ahead of him, and he has lobbyist money and corporate sponsors to consider when it comes to giving away another $1TT or more in Treasury dollars.

I’ve been keeping up on this one. Apparently McConnell wants to delay the vote until after the July recess to maximize pressure. But Goldman Sachs predicts that they’ll pass an extra three hundred a week til the end of the year and another stimulus check. And let’s face it, Goldman Sachs has pretty good insight considering how many Republican senators they own.

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He was quick enough to do it three times when it looked like it was the only thing they would stave off another Depression. And by July it’s going to look like that again because we ■■■■■■■ wasted three and a half months for nothing.


Why play offense when your opponent keeps putting the ball in your goal.

Possibly. We will see. But as you state here, by the end of July there is going to be so much more turmoil and uncertainty in the economy, that it may be too little too late. And certainly from a political standpoint, may have cemented some of the opinions of voters by then as well.

Can you imagine the mass evictions we would see if they didn’t extend? Chaos.

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And if McConnell somehow is the minority leader, we will once again see the spigot turn off and he will crater the economy to get back into power.

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Without a doubt. Power and greed define him.

To brighten up the day… collateralized subprime commercial debt products are thing.

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Oh for the love of everything holy.

I’m really hoping he gets his ass kicked by a Marine Fighter Pilot. (Ya, I hold a grudge about his unconstitutional action - IMHO - regarding Garland.)

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It’s like we refuse to learn a thing.

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