Biden's Response to the Trump Virus

They look down on us! :cry:

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Never heard that analogy but I like it.

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There’s that “setting a good example” again. :rofl:


:rofl: Funny no matter which rich old white man you voted for.

Yeah I don’t care. Let the butthurt flow.


^ The amnesia is real with this one.


Unity. Joe Biden’s middle name.

At least wait until you lose the House in 2022. Now’s not the time for your side to be butthurt. :wink:


So does “Trump Vaccine”.

I’m talking about Biden with Covid. Also, I am doing my best not be a dick about the election to anybody.

That’s two, and one of them I can control.

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Nah. It’s his recession, biden’s recovery.

there is 5 stages of grief. staying in stage 1 for a long time makes the other stages way more painful.

go ahead and jump to stage 5. you won’t hurt so much.

It’s horrible. An “unboiled egg” is just an egg. And “unboiled” is not a word.

Maybe. Thank goodness I have two years of loser smug right wing dialogue to keep me entertained.

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There are other ways to get defacto martial law without declaring it martial law.

All words are words. See: Trump Virus.

You’re projecting now. Biden’s presidency will benefit me more than it will you. :wink:

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See: Trump Vaccine

I think the word you’re looking for is “raw”.

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Well, at least they won’t be the only smug losers in the room. :hugs:

You were military. I was an E-5. I tried to set an example when I was responsible for people. I bet you did too.