Biden's Response to the Trump Virus

How are you going to make someone talk to them?

Doesn’t matter. A gun registry isn’t a court of law either, but is illegal for the same reason.

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This is too general a statement to convey any specific thing. Case and docket?

yes. Trump created a virus.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It’s not like Biden doesn’t have a record for voting on wars or anything. Actually it’s going to be kind of fun to be on the other side come think about it.

When little rocket man starts firing missiles again it’s really gonna be hard to blame that on Trump considering they had stopped flying.

Trump’s so into vaccines :rofl:

Trump set the course for a vaccine in record timing, but you knew that already. Welcome back. I know you’ve been jonesing. :hugs:

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Will setting a good example hurt anything?

Yes, look it up. New York state.

Trump mismanagement of virus response.


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holy crap. this place has become more conned since i was here before.

If asked, they can just say they went to a state-sanctioned peaceful protest. They cure corona.


Where is this fantasy coming from that the left is going to set a good example after the last 4 years of pure hate and envy? :thinking:


No doubt, but setting a good example is what good leaders do.

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No argument.

It fits.

We don’t like losing to old white men :frowning:

You are trying to hammer an unboiled egg into a basket of gum wrappers.

Contract tracing has nothing to do with testifying in a court of law.

But, it makes sense that people who believe we should all roll over for the Trump Virus would start to concoct justifications for doing so. They rolled over for the man, so why not for his plague.

No, you don’t get it. I’m not at all “upset”. I :heart: it! I am the world’s biggest fan of CT. Especially CJT and now CMT.

Trump already invoked DPA and has given state billions. How and more importantly who the ■■■■ would have been enforcing penalties for non compliance during the last 6 months of ■■■■■■■ NON STOP RIOTS that have tied police up? Maybe if Lib governors and mayor’s had done their ■■■■■■■ jobs to protect and defend their citizens and not tied the hands of their police and made them stand down, and allowed them to end the LIB CAUSED VIOLENCE quickly, they might have had more time to enforce the useless ■■■■■■■ mask mandates!!!

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