Biden's Response to the Trump Virus

Combat Arms or Support?

I bet his doesnā€™t contain bleach or florescent light bulbs. :wink:


I was in Special Forces. We were adults. No babysitters required.

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we all know how much pain is coming for Trumpā€™s foot soldiers. just doing the denial thing for awhile will drag out the pain. then people ever so slowly claim they didnā€™t support his COVID policy. then claiming they didnā€™t support Trump. then claiming they never voted for him. then the complete Nixon thing.

everyone has seen this movie before. we know the ending.

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Good one! So clever. They could have used your energy on the campaign. Maybe the outcome would have been different.

Electronics. Navy. Guided missile frigate.

End Racism; End the 'Rona.

You also know that Biden will be the first president since Obama to start bombing brown people. I look forward to your support. :sunglasses:

I see. In the Infantry, we make the weak links disappear. :man_shrugging:

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i guess you have to say something on the night of a Biden victory. thatā€™s as good as anything.

Rucksack down the hallway. Or out the window.

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Thank you for your support. Try not to blame any Republicans this time. :wink:

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I do. Congratulations.

I bet the weak links were the jerks told you do something they wouldnā€™t do or hadnā€™t done.

Oceans are big and empty as well.

So you have no enforcement mechanism.

You ask me where I was, I refuse to answer.

Now what. You canā€™t take me to court due to the 5th.

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One thing Biden is probably glad about is that Trump is not ready to invite him to COVID Centralā€¦I meanā€¦the White House.

Third Wave running through thereā€¦knowledge of which they tried to suppress yet again.

Until Meadows got it.

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They never stopped

But Iā€™m sure Kim will miss his love letters

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Voters do, too.

I like common ground.

We do things that get people killed. Getting rid of weak links is a matter of safety.

Yep, warā€™s a cominā€™. Thank you for your support. :wink: