Biden's Response to the Trump Virus

Pretty sure bleach taken internally is not indicated for cases of the Trump virus. Nor is it considered to be prophylactic agains the Trump virus.

Having a President suggest so is damaging to public health policy and to our reputation in the world.


“We know that these racial ethnic disparities in COVID-19 are the result of pre-pandemic realities. It’s a legacy of structural discrimination that has limited access to health and wealth for people of color,” said Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, director of the Equity Research and Innovation Center at Yale School of Medicine.

I think President Elect Biden will have the goodwill of at least 75 million Americans.

That, of itself, does not contain the Trump Virus. I think even if Trump leaning counties are also Trump Virus endemic, back tracing and proper federal support to hospitals will help, even among the non-compliant.

This is no time for ill will. The Trump Virus must be beaten back.


Does anyone here really think a national mask mandate is going to happen?

Nope, it’s business as usual after he declared a mandate this morning, so he’ll only be governing for about 74 million people. The only difference is that when he rubber stamps the progressive agenda, he won’t be prattling on about it or trolling Twitter 24/7, which is admittedly one improvement.

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Addressing how precarious populations are both harmed by the Trump virus, and become reservoirs for its continued spread, - this seems like good science.

Desperate times. Small wins. :slight_smile:


She from the Virgin Islands, mon.

Containing this plague, a pandemic enabled by Trump, serves all Americans.

We were right about Covid disappearing after the election. It has been renamed Trump virus so Biden doesn’t need to do a thing.

The US Virgin Islands?

[quote=“SneakySFDude, post:22, topic:236828, full:true”]

>“We know that these racial ethnic disparities in COVID-19 are the result of pre-pandemic realities. It’s a legacy of structural discrimination that has limited access to health and wealth for people of color,” said Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, director of the Equity Research and Innovation Center at Yale School of Medicine.

Asteroid to hit earth!

Women and minorities most affected!

Take two CRT pills and call me in the mornin’.

Ya mon, dem Virgins.

Many former Trump supporters will go out of their way to make sure they don’t do their part because Freeberty plus it will defeat Biden’s purpose.

Because Lib tears are more important than alleviating human suffering and death.

When the Trump vaccine is released, they’ll hail the Sniffer in Chief. :wink:


I agree with much of what you’ve said in this thread when it comes to the pandemic. But what after?

So, an American addressing an American problem.

Defeating the Trump virus is good for everyone.

We can discuss recompense elsewhere.

Non compliance? Is it just possible that the countless millions who are doing their best to comply, including Trump supporters, are simply wearing their masks incorrectly? How many people do you see walking around with their nose exposed? How many people with normally covered noses, take the mask briefly off their nose for a breath of unfiltered air?

As for absolute non compliance, yup some people are. Pray tell, what is Biden going to do differently to fix these issues?

Vatos (men) in El Paso, rest easy. We’ve found the problem! Systemic racism!

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