Biden's poll numbers have skyrocketed since his announcement

You got to hand it to the left, here they are facing one of the most unpopular presidents ever (so we’re told) and the mostly likely nominees will be a near 80 year old man who was wiped out in the 2008 primaries by both Obama and Hillary or another near 80 year old who is a socialist. :+1:

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Why is okay for trump to be old but not his opponent?

Michelle Obama doesn’t seem interested. Looks like the libs will be losing again.

i too see that as a real possibility!

It’s fine for their guy to be old, incoherent, crass and unhealthy. As long as they get what they want out of him.

I could care less about someone’s age it’s just ironic since from the left we hear about the evils of the “old white man” and the nominees are the oldest white men to ever run, even older than Trump.


Biden’s rise shows that not even the Democrats want the socialism that snake oil peddlers like Sanders andnd Warren are selling.


I know you must weep for the poor socialists.

There goes the election strategy for trump.

Why all the sudden hate for Bernie? 2016 was all about “Feel the Bern” around here.

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I sent you a message. It said unless they are a part of the political campaign, family members of pols are off limits. That was around your second post in here timewise. Yet here we are continuing the argument as to whether or not their off limits. There is no argument. I’ve told you what’s off limits, knock it off.

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Jesus Christ you all are salty.

Really cool for you all to support the groppy pro bus segregation guy because you hate Bernie so much.

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A nice orange glow as well.

Bernie is only a Democrat when he wants to run for president.

I don’t want free stuff.

Why all the hate for Bush and McCain and Romney? There was mad love on these boards for those folks pre-Trump.

If Bernie had any integrity he would run for president as a socialist or an Independent or whatever it is he calls himself when he’s not a candidate.

Also–yes I have no use for a certain sector of his fanboys. They are as toxic as a certain sector of trumpletons.

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People like him because he isn’t a Democrat. I’m a registered Democrat, just because if you aren’t one in Colorado you don’t get to vote in the primary. Being a Democrat isn’t an accomplishment.

It doesn’t matter whether or not you want “free stuff.” His policies are the better policies. It is wrong for people to depend on health insurance policies for their healthcare. It is wrong for students to be over their heads in debt for going to college. It is wrong to deprive the incarcerated the right to vote.

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Lots of laughs. The Democratic shall choose the person who they believe is best. Trumpist want to pick trumps opponent. Sorry.


Yeah, I’m sure that Bernie running 3rd party would go over well. Jill Stein isn’t getting ■■■■ talked constantly because she ran in 2016 at all.

If I recall correctly it was the Hillary fan boys who were making excuses for drone bombingings and the overthrow of the Honduran government.

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