Biden wants to raise taxes again

America hasn’t had enough inflation yet? Get a load of this.

Elimination of tax breaks for fossil fuel energy companies would raise $45.1 billion in new revenues over the decade through 2034, while raising the overall corporate tax rate to 28% from 21% would raise $1.35 trillion, Treasury estimated.

“The beatings will cease when the morale improves!”


biden keeps giving dozens of billions to ukraine as though the US ( like the border ) couldnt use that

yet we pretend to care about a potential trump tax. as though he’s president.

in a thread about bidens tax increase

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Well to be honest, I don’t see any scenario where Biden wins 2024. But when they cart his old ass up there in 2028 to get his second term, watch those dough eyes of his supporters gloss over and proclaim him the best man for round two of America needs a nap. His vitality will only be outshined by his intellect.

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We (the wife & I) have tallied our grocery slips every calendar year since 1975. But for just the last three years, our food bill (not counting restaurants or alcohol) went from $12,080 in 2021 to $14,207 (+17.6%) in 2022 to &16,910 (+19.0%) in 2023. That’s a whopping 40% in three years under Biden’s economic turnaround.

By the way, in 1975 we spent a grand total of $1987.63 for food for the two of us.


C’mon man. Joe just wants a cost of living increase. Inflation is eating him alive. :wink:

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You won’t.

lol. The feds need a COLA.



Cost of cheese allowance


That’s really cool that you kept track of that. Speaking of 1975, my father, with OT, would make that much in 2-3 weeks. Close to that in 2 weeks. What great job did he do? He drove a truck for Bambergers. That was what Macy’s was called in NJ.

Can any common middle class person pay their yearly grocery bill in 3 weeks today? We probably had a bigger bill because of me, but you get the point.

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You both eat a lot. I spend about $400-$450 a week for a family of 4. That’s about 20k a year. We shop at Sprouts, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods. So we aren’t exactly shopping at bargain places. We could cut our bill by about $50-$100 a week if we shopped at like ALDIs or something like that.

This is in California btw. Now I know our produce is typically cheaper than most of the country because some of it is locally produced.

A plantation for every group!

WoW!! You spend that much? It’s just me and my wife, and I think we eat great, and I don’t spend 1/4 what you spend. I have a dog too. We spend a lot on him too, but still doesn’t come close to your bill.

The next sentence says why.

What next sentence? Family of four? 4-500 hundred a week is crazy. I might not even be at a 100 a week and we eat good.

Sprouts, trader joes, whole foods … for all i know he has that delivered …

I just went to my Shoprite today after work. I spent 44 bucks and we can eat for a week. I bought a ton of stuff. But it’s just me, my wife and a dog. We might buy other stuff on the way, but nowhere near 4-500.

Then there is Uber Eats for steak and lobster twice a week … seriously, it’s easy to piss off your earnings!

Can’t wait to bring this up when he says he is down with the plight of all his homies… :wink:

How many kooks still have a pallet of TP in the garage?.. But then being full of it, they may have ran through it real fast…

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LOL, I don’t even know what Uber Eats is. 95% of the time I make food at home. On a rare occasion we go out. I mean rare. I’ll sometimes go to a place called 5 guys and just get fries. That’s it. That’s all they have that’s good IMO. We’ll get hot subs from someplace else to go with it. But that’s not expensive.

Yea some weeks less, some more. Depending on what meals we want to prepare and whether we need meat (which is expensive).

My kids are 12 and 10… so they are starting to eat a lot. The summer grocery bills tend to be a little higher due to them being home for 2 months.

My grocery bills have increased from 2019 until now. But not necessarily due to raising prices but because our kids eat more. We also have a dog and cat but they are only about $120 every 2 months for food.