Biden wants to give out $450000 per person for separated illegal migrants

What does that have to do with the Child separation policy?

What… you guys want this to go in front of a judge and have the US pay out even more?

This is a legal settlement to avoid all of that. This is the cost of that policy and you guys are upset that they are settling out of court on something that they will clearly lose?

Bonkers man… just bonkers.

What the what now?

They are settling out of court.

The smartest guys in the room ain’t real bright.

But hey somehow they will figure out a way to reward the crooks with our money.

So… this is what it costs to get the border under control by implementing an expressly harmful and cruel policy.

You do get that that was the reasoning behind the policy right?

This is the cost of that.

The border was under control until 1/20 then yer boi… ah, never mind.

The purpose of laws is to provide deterrent to illegal activities. When laws are in place and work you don’t get illegal activity. Whether it’s keeping shoplifters out of Walgreens in SFO or keeping Illegals from overwhelming our southern border which has been happening since 1-21-21.

Why is it you leftists always find yourselves on the side of no rules let em all on?

By the way I noticed you ignored the actual cruelty of dragging small children from country to country and using them as props to get adults into the land of opportunity! That by itself is pretty telling.

no, this is ■■■■■■■■■ we don’t send kids to sit in jail with there criminal parents for any crime nevermind involving your kids in the commission of that crime by having them tag along.

Of course we separated them from people claiming to be their parents without proof. What else should we have done, handed them over to child traffickers like the Obama admin did?


There is a wide gulf between no rules at all and taking people’s children away and losing them in a morass of an incompetent bureaucracy on purpose.

But keep up with the false equivalencies… it is a good look.

Crossing the border is a civil offense… not a criminal one.

Thanks to who?

illegal entry is a criminal offense

but do go on with your leftist fantasy world.

Think on the bright side, folks - eventually, you won’t even be able to tell the difference between the ■■■■ holes these criminals come from and the ■■■■ hole libs have turned your own country into.

This is what they meant by unity. You will be dragged down so they can lift others up. :wink:


thanks to no-one, its just another lie from the leftist masters

Hey… I stand corrected.

what crimes do we send kids to sit in jail with their criminal parents for?

Well those are US citizen parents so it doesn’t count.

The hypocrisy in this sentence is overwhelming.

It’s the losing the child thing for me…