Biden the cult leader?

Won’t be levers to pull in ‘24. The Democrats will have developed and implemented a “telepathic voting” scam by then. We won’t be voting in person or by mail so all doubt will be removed. You’ll simply stay home because they’ll already know who you want to vote for using “Jedi mind trick” technology!

This is a little sad and transparent and desperate seeming, don’t you think?


It won’t work past March. Everything they touch they will screw up.

The judgment of a liberal. I am soooo devastated.

What shall I do? Maybe I will go to the gym and pound on the heavy bag for a while? And leave ya’ll here to bicker without me?

:fist_left: :fist_right:


It’ll be all AI.

I don’t think pacing is going to be a problem.

Ordained by God in such a time as this? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking:

Nah I’m surprised it’s taken this long.

Believing in the Fake Fraud Narrative probably sapped a lot of their energy on offense.





ai…artificial intelligence.

The Asimov story which is referenced at the wiki link is a classic!

First America emperor?

Much like secret life of Japan emperors. :wink:

That would have been Obamanero.

Seems a little quaint and iron ie now doesn’t it?

And google in Obamanero. It was a thing with the rabble.

The emperor has no brain.

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Thanks Captain Obvious.


You have called Trump people a cult for four years. It’s our turn now. Do you have a problem with us having a turn?


So here is the dilemma I face. After years of observing certain behaviors of Trump followers and not saying a word, now you believe you see similar behaviors in Biden supporters and want to call it cultish.

I’m just terribly worried that your cult barometer seems to be broken and you are unknowingly relying on your conservometer to call out what it sees as cultish behavior. But your conservometer doesn’t detect cultish behavior, it just detects people who don’t support Trump.

I’m worried about you. Just trying to help.

Perhaps it would help if you admitted to the cultish behavior of many trump supporters. That would provide some evidence that your cult barometer has been fixed and is working properly.


It’s all that’s left to do.

Wow. Wow…