Biden: Teaching women how to code in "the hood"

one of my all time favorite racist democrat quotes. haha

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that’s my favorite. haha. gawd

he’s such a racist

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“There’s never been A day in the last four years I’ve been proud to be his Vice President. Not a single day.”

JOE BIDEN, NOV 2012 (Re-election campaign)

Biden is cool…

Never bideners gonna hate…

Please dont stop!

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How do people know he has a moral code?
Look up Biden’s experience in the 1988 presidential primaries.

Biden from 1988 is a different Biden than 2019.

Donald Trump from 1988 is the exact same Donald Trump in 2019.

Biden from 2019 is a liar and plagiarist with an additional 31 years experience.

2019 Donald Trump is dangerously unfit to be in the office of the President.

Read the title of the thread.
This thread is about Biden…clear your mind and try to focus.

It is impossible for a Trump supporter to point to the gaffes of Biden and ignore the one’s of Trump.

I am sorry… that is just the way it is in Presidential Politics.

One can’t say … “Hey… look at this guy who I am never going to vote for anyway and see if we can get some lib heads to explode” when a man like Donald Trump runs the Republican party.

It is transparent.

It is mildly entertaining, but at some point the concern trolling gets old.

This must really drive the snowflake Trump-lickers bonkers.

Once we defeat Fat Donald at the polls, we’re going to carve Trumpism out of this nation and burn it.

Yup these polls matter more…if they are on point trump would be toast…its just still early…


I’m sure that biden wants to try and “Teach” women all sorts of things.

Especially when it comes to telling the truth about what kind of person he really is!