Biden takes Thanksgiving swipe at 'sick' sale of semi-automatic guns

What the hell?

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In what way is 1.2 guns for every man, woman, and child in the country “not nearly enough”?

Come on, man.

3 per sounds about right.

Is anyone forcing you to own one?

Seems to me one side wants to force their views on others, the other side doesn’t give a damn if someone legally owns one or not, it is their choice.



And just like that… any illusion of a serious discussion disappeared.

Pistol. Rifle. Shotgun.

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You were serious? :rofl:


It’s the closest single term I could think of to describe the servile zealots?

…besides servile zealots.

Nonsense. At no time was abortion a constitutional right prior to Roe. It may have been legal in some colonies and states in the early history of the country but that is statutory.

The 2nd Amendment explicitly protects “arms”, not just those that existed when it was adopted. A semi auto firearm is just a technological advancement but still a firearm nonetheless.


Those evening romance novel readings are really paying off.

It wasn’t post Roe either.

Different firearms have different purposes. Saying that more than 1 per person is excessive is to admit that one really knows nothing about firearms and their intended uses.


I think I get more from reading the quotes on the back of the box my bath bombs come in.

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If you want numbers.

I own:

3 semi-automatic rifles
1 bolt action rifle
1 break action double barrel shotgun
2 double action revolvers
3 pistols

That is just the current inventory, I have had guns come and go over the years.

I also have a legacy Winchester Model 1886 lever action rifle which is unserviceable. But it makes a fine room decoration piece. :smile:

Now this does NOT count weapons owned by my wife. So add one additional pistol and one additional semi-automatic rifle to the above count for the household figure.

Each weapon can or does have a unique purpose for the person who owns it. If I am deer hunting, I may use one rifle, but I may use another for other animals.

And I may carry different pistols on me, depending on conditions, including what kind of clothes I am wearing that that particular moment, particularly for purposes of concealment.

People who mouth off about number of weapons owned obviously know very little of what they are talking about.


Sorry if we don’t bow down to your demands.

I was sort of kidding. I have trouble believing he really meant semi-automatics. I what to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he meant assault style rifles.

Not that it’s much better but did he really mean to move the goalposts like that?

Which are semi-automatics. Your benefit of the doubt is now called privilege.

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To him, and those like him, it’s how it looks not how it works.

Do I have the power to hand out privilege? Cool.

How could the founders establish an
uninfringable right to a product that they had never seen and would in fact not exist for a century hence? I thought the whole idea of originalism was to go with what the words meant at the time they were written.